15: Whiffenpoofs

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"I'm not gonna mess with your head."


Ethan looked from Cassie to Jess, watching as the two of them had an entire conversation with just a few glances. He, admittedly, had no idea what was going on. Everything that happened tonight was downright weird, and it was only getting worse. He hadn't gone into today thinking Dean would break up Rory or that Jess might be the one to run after her. 

Again, Ethan was realizing there was a lot going on that he didn't know about. He'd had a hunch about Rory's feelings for Jess, everyone in town had that hunch actually. Except Ethan had his own hunch that Rory might not be the Gilmore Girl that Jess wanted.

"Cassie," Ethan's voice broke the silence that had fallen in the gym. She turned to look at him almost like she'd forgotten he was there.

"Cassie," Jess spoke up this time and her gaze returned to him.

Ethan looked from her to Jess, trying to figure out what was going on. Cassie shook her head slowly, her gaze not leaving Jess as she said, "It's not me, you know that."

She was talking about Rory. Ethan figured that out easy enough. Except what he couldn't figure out was why this seemed to be causing tension between Jess and Cassie. Ethan was beginning to wonder if the hunch he'd had weeks ago was becoming more and more true.

Jess let out his breath as he broke eye contact with Cassie. He looked over at Ethan, the two guys holding contact for just a moment before Jess turned away. "You should talk to her man," Ethan said, causing Jess to look at him again.

Realistically Jess knew they were right. He did need to talk to Rory, just not about what they wanted them to talk about. Jess wasn't going to lie to Rory. He wasn't going to tell her something just because she wanted to hear it or Cassie wanted him to. Except Cassie didn't need to know that, not yet anyways.

"Yeah, yeah," Jess nodded his head as a shocked look appeared on Ethan's face. Jess pointed over to the blonde, "I'll do that."

"Good," Ethan nodded, looking a little too proud of himself.

Jess glanced over at Cassie, he couldn't read the look on her face but god he wished he could. He didn't say anything else before walking out of the gym. And in all honesty he was a little disappointed that Cassie hadn't run out to stop him. For all she knows he was about to go tell Rory he wanted her, and Cassie let him go. Hell she basically gave him permission.

It didn't take a genius to figure out where Rory had run to. She'd gone to the one place she knew Jess would easily be able to find her. When he got there she was sitting on the bridge, her feet were hanging just above the water.

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