05: Return Gilmore

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"Solidarity Sister."


"Wake up," Lorelai poked her sleeping daughter's arm, not caring that it was the middle of the night. "Cassie," she whispered but all did was groan and roll onto her side. Lorelai moved Cassie to the side as she climbed into her bed, "I'm calling Rory."

"It's the middle of the night," Cassie groaned as she put her pillow over her head but Lorelai was already dialing the number.

"It's ringing," Lorelai told her.

"Hello?" Cassie could hear her sister's voice coming through the phone.

"You have to come home," Lorelai told her.


"You're gone and Cassie's sleeping so the house is quiet and Bill Maher's canceled. The name of the show was Politically Incorrect for God's sake."

"Mom!" Cassie groaned, desperately trying to hold onto her sleep and her sanity.

"Didn't anybody read the title? He was supposed to say those things, damnit!"

"You had another dream?" Rory guessed.

"Yes," Lorelai nodded.

Rory sighed into the phone, "The doctor is in."

"Cassie, listen," Lorelai poked her daughter's arm but Cassie just pushed her hand away. "Anyway, I'm lying in bed and I'm sleeping and I'm wearing this fabulous nightgown, and like thirty alarms go off," Lorelai tells them, Rory fully listening and Cassie catching every other word. "And so I get out of bed and I walk downstairs, and there, standing in the kitchen, is Luke!"

Cassie immediately sat up and looked over at her mom, "Was he naked?" Both she and Rory asked at the same time, not realizing that their twin telepathy was working in their favor.

"God hello echo," Lorelai shook her head at how weird that just was. "But no, he was making breakfast."

"Naked?" Rory asked her.

Lorelai sighed, "Okay, you've been in Washington way too long."

"Sorry. Go ahead, he was making breakfast..."

"Eggs and pancakes and bacon, and he put decaf coffee in my regular coffee bag, which of course I knew immediately."

"Obviously the nose," Cassie nodded, now fully listening to her mom's dream.

"Exactly," Lorleai nodded, "So eventually I find the real stuff under the sink. He hands me my breakfast, and then..."

"Then what?"Rory's voice came through the phone.

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