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all credits to @/touch0fecstasy on tumblr!!

Summary : You're anxious about meeting your best friend's new roommate, but you hit it off better than you think you will.

Pairing : Johnnie Guilbert/Reader (romantic)

Warnings : mentions of anxiety

Word Count : 1378

A/N : The ending was kinda rushed because I was writing it before school, I hope you still love!!! (and obviously the number I put at the bottom is fake, please do not go harass whatever poor soul has that phone number!)

You and Jake had been best friends for a long time, coming up on a decade now. You had grown up in the same part of town, and being the only alternative kids for a hundred miles, it was no secret that you were immediately drawn to each other as a choice in friends. Your friendship had persisted when the two of you had begun careers in social media, specifically YouTube for Jake, and TikTok for you, knowing that there had to be something better out there for you than just living in Kansas all of your life. You had run into an extremely incredible amount of luck, allowing the both of you to become incredibly successful, and moving out to LosAngeles to pursue your careers even further.

You used to be roommates, but in some cases, best friends weren't the best roommates, and this was one of those times. Your personalities meshed together perfectly when you were hanging out, talking, and spending time with each other, but when it came to living together, they clashed heavily and you just didn't get along. Neither of you held any hard feelings, and you moved out, finding a new roommate, which ended up being Jake's now ex-girlfriend, Tara. You two were best friends, and loved living together, and Jake had found a new roommate recently, another YouTuber named Johnnie. You were supposed to be meeting him for the first time today, and you couldn't deny that there were definitely some nerves there.

You didn't always make the best impression, because despite your on camera appearance and bold personality, you were very introverted off camera. You weren't necessarily the quiet kid, but you weren't someone who went out of their way to meet new people. But, Johnnie was clearly a very important person in Jake's life automatically, so you wanted to get to know him and hopefully enjoy his company as much as you enjoyed Jake's. Tara had already met him, and said that his personality was similar to yours, very energetic on camera but very laid back off of it, and you were happy to hear that because it meant that if push came to shove, you could sit in quiet, comfortable silence until you and Tara were ready to head home, depending on how late the night lasted.

Tara was coming with you for moral support, and the fact that Jake had invited her over. You really respected their relationship, knowing that not very many people could still be best friends after a breakup, especially with such a long relationship, but they seemed to not want to let go of the other, refusing to be anything less than friends because they had been friends first, and the fact that they had fallen in and out of love with each other was not going to change that if they had any say in it. You were getting ready to leave the house, Tara finishing her makeup, you finishing your hair, and Tara was going to drive because you really just didn't want to, and she was happy to.

Getting in the car after putting finishing touches on everything, (you're nothing short of a perfectionist), Tara was talking away about how much fun the two of them are, and how they're clearly really good friends, and that you were going to get along great with the both of them. Her comfort and reassurance really did help your nerves, and you were glad that you had someone to go with just in case your anxiety did get the best of you, as it did sometimes. Meeting new people always caused it to go nearly haywire because of the fact that there is a ton of pressure on making a good first impression, and as a perfectionist, you hate messing things up, full stop. So, having someone there to help you should anything go wrong was amazing, and you were so grateful to have such a good friend in Tara.

Pulling up to Jake's, and now Johnnie's, home, you immediately got out with Tara, and she just walked in like she owned the place. In a certain sort of way, you guessed that she kind of did. She did use to spend nearly all her time here, so she may as well have co owned it right along with Jake. She still had a key, Jake hadn't wanted it back, so here she was again, going straight to the fridge and announcing her entrance by cracking open a random can of some drink, probably alcoholic, knowing that Jake often threw parties at his place. They were some impressive parties, and you respected his ability to go that all out with that many people there. Tara did the same, but you always left the house on nights she did that.

You noticed a person sitting on the couch, looking up as Tara walked in, and it definitely wasn't Jake, so you assumed that this person was Johnnie. You couldn't deny the immediate attraction that you felt towards him, as you had always had a thing for the alternative scene style. The multiple piercings on his face just added to the pull you'd felt for him, as you had quite a few yourself. You couldn't stop your thoughts from wandering about how his lip piercings would feel against yours, what it would be like to trace his tattoos with your fingers while laying next to him, and you needed to shake yourself out of those thoughts before you turned red and embarrassed yourself. When you did just that, it took you a moment to realize that he was speaking to you.

"Hi, it's nice to meet you! I'm Jake's roommate, Johnnie, as you probably already guessed."

Shaking yourself out of your daze, you introduced yourself with a smile on your face, turning back to walk over to where Tara was sitting at the bar. You gave her an incredulous look, one that she had seen so often. It was your "what the fuck" look. She had a defensive look on her face, not sure what you were about to say.

"You didn't tell me his roommate was hot."

Tara now returned her own incredulous look, glancing over at Johnnie before returning her eyes to you.

"Him? I mean, he's cute, but he's not really my type. I knew he was yours though, thought it might help you loosen up a bit or whatever if there was some level of attraction."

You could strangle Tara right now, but you knew that maybe it would work out for the better. It was shortly after that that Jake walked into the room, hugging you both, and asking if you'd introduced yourself to Johnnie. You said that you had, to which Jake gave a playful eyebrow wiggle and a short comment about "he's hot, no?" You rolled your eyes, ignoring your best friend and grabbing some chips out of the bag that he had laid out on the counter. He tried to reach for it, and you snatched it out of the way of his hand, angling it to where Tara could grab some out of it. He of course exaggerated his reaction to this, throwing a hand over his heart and feigning offense.

"I'm being ganged up on! Johnnie, help me, two on two?"

His friend cracked a smile but shook his head staying on the couch.

"No way. I'm not getting involved in this, you never pick fights against Tara, let alone her friends too."

You tossed the chip bag over to Johnnie, smiling at his support of you and Tara against Jake. The rest of the night went perfectly, and you and Johnnie really hit it off. As much as you hated to admit it, Tara had been right, and you ended up enjoying yourself. And after a little bit of encouragement from Jake, which basically meant that he yelled at you and Johnnie to kiss and go get a room, pushing you towards each other, you woke up the next morning to see a text from a new number that you hadn't saved in your phone yet.

+1 (78) - 495 - 6506 : Last night was fun. I really like you, are you free for lunch today?

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