buying a cat

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all credit to @/ctrlchar on tumblr aka mother!!

for the past while you had been nagging johnnie about getting a cat but he would always say how difficult it would be to potty train it and that they leave hair everywhere.

but this was only so you wouldn't know what he was really doing

he had told you he was going to the store with jake to get supplies for a video which wasn't a complete lie,he was at the store with jake but not for what you thought.

he had gone to the store to get cat food,litter along with a litter box and collar.

him and jake had just left and were now on their way to the adoption center to pick up the little kitten

you had been sitting on the couch when you heard a knock on the front door assuming it was johnnie.

your assumption was right for when you open the door to be greeted with johnnie holding a cat,a smile on his face as he held the small kitten close to him petting it gently

you could've screamed from how excited you were,he had known you wanted a cat for god knows how long and now you finally had one.

"oh my god she's precious!!" you gasp reaching your arms out to hold her to which johnnie allows

"yeah i figured you like her" he laughs softly petting her while you hold her

you can feel her purring as you gently rub her head,while johnnie proceeds to bring in all of the stuff he bought

within the next couple days the she had grown to love you,curling up by your head as you sleep and nuzzling against you

you made sure to tell johnnie how thankful you were for the kitten which he likes you call you guys' kid

johnnie guilbert & jake webber imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now