enemies to lovers head cannons (mature?)

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all credits to @/ ctrlchar on tumblr!!

a/n:tyty for the request, jake's kinda a dick for a little bit of this so bare with me guys and requests are always open 🙏

-it would probably start with you being Johnnie's friend and the three of you making videos together

-you guys had all been sitting together in the recording room and it was the first video you and jake had made together so obviously you weren't that close

-hell this was only the second or third time you had met

-you had been giving Johnnie more attention which made Jake jealous but he wouldn't ever admit that, well atleast not to youthen it got to the point where he had been a bit rude to you

-he would never say anything about you or to you in attempt to hurt you however, actions definitely speak much louder then words

-for example when the three of you would go out Jake would pay for Johnnie's food (since Jake would be the one driving) but wouldn't pay for yours

-or whenever you would make a video on your channel (assuming you had one) Jake wouldn't help pay for what ever it was you guys would react to since it wasn't his video therefore,not his problem

-his defense would be something along the lines of him not knowing you well
you'd try your best to ignore his behavior as well as the way you would get butterflies in your stomach whenever you would catch him staring at you for a little too long

-one night the three of you decided to go out to a party together

-Jake's wearing some jeans and a shirt that shows off his star tattoos when his arms are raised which you knew would drive you crazy throughout the night had you three stuck together

-the car ride there was hell

-you knew you couldn't hate him as much as you wanted to,especially not whenever he looked so good

-his hands gripping the wheel with each vein becoming more prominent as he holds onto the leather cover of the wheel

-occasionally you would take a couple of glances up at him just for your eyes to meet whenever you would look up at his rear view mirror

-the ride there was a bit awkward since you sat in the back of the car scrolling on your phone while Jake and Johnnie conversed

-each time Johnnie would invite you into whatever it was they were talking about Jake quickly shut down the conversation

-because Jake didn't want to have any feelings towards you,scared that liking his best friends best friend wouldn't end up well

-and in his mind if he just ignored you he assumed the feelings he had would disappear because that definitely makes sense

-once you had all arrived at the party you and Johnnie stuck together while Jake goes and socializes with some of his friends

-the real reason he left though was because he couldn't stand the way you and Johnnie were so close

-he really couldn't stand the way it was so easy for you to talk to him,how you look so pretty when you subconsciously play with you hair or fingers while you would talk

-you grab yourself a drink before you finally decide to ask Johnnie a question

-"why does jake hate me? I mean he may not hate me but he never interacts with me,hardly talks to me and he's been like this since we met and when we do talk he's always such a dick about it" you question with a slight frown

-surely his best friend would have an answer

-Johnnie debates on what he should tell you but he just shrugs and says "i wouldn't say he hates you per say" to which raises your suspicions

-"what's that supposed to mean?" you ask since you didn't know if what Johnnie said was or wasn't what you wanted to hear

-he simply shrugs his shoulders again "do with that information as you will" he jokes because he does know why,he knows Jake likes you,he knows Jake's jealous of you guys' friendship, he knows how attractive you are in jake's eyes but what kind of friend would he be to just rat his friend out like that?

-he noticed your expression change after the conversation to which he says "if youre really that concerned about it just go ask him" however this is much easier said then done 

-"i'll think about it" you say before telling him you'll be back so you can go to the bathroom

-you search the house looking for the bathroom until you clichely run into Jake on the way

-he looks you up and down admiring your outfit as if it's the first time you've seen him all night

-"where's Johnnie at?" he starts "i figured you guys would be together the whole night" he says with a hint of irritation in his voice. "last I saw him was by the kitchen,what's it to you? you're not jealous or anything huh?" you joke not thinking anything of it

-jake defensively,almost too defensively, says "why would I, Jake webber be jealous of you and my friend hanging out?" cocking a brow in the process. you take a minute to think, remembering the conversation you had a couple minutes ago "you tell me,you're the one who's hated me since the fucking second i met you" you spit,your tone suddenly changing with Jake who was clearly not expecting to have this conversation with you tonight and especially not in a place like this. "i don't hate you" he mutters under his breath barely audible over the music, his confidence diminishing slightly as he realizes he might as well tell you how he actually feels

-"right..." you say questioning what it was that he was saying until he cut you off "i don't hate you at all,I guess I was just jealous of you and Johnnie because of how close you are. I really like you, and-and I knew I would since the second Johnnie told me about you I like how you present yourself,I like how you act,how you dress and you-"

-you step up on your tip toes and wrap your arms around his neck before pulling him into a endearing kiss not caring about the place you were in

-after a couple more moments you pull back and with a laugh you say "I guess you could say I don't hate you that much either"

-he smiles softly at this before resting his hands along the sides of your face and mumbling a quick apology for the way he had treated you over the last month or so.

-he promises that from now on he'll treat you impossibly well before kissing you once more

johnnie guilbert & jake webber imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now