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all credits to @/jake-webber on tumblr!!

a/n- a cute fluffy oneshot of jake adopting a tiny dog with his s/o.

"I want a big boy. A hunk of dog!" Jake exclaims in front of the employee, using his hands to illustrate the size of the dog he desires – apparently, one larger than life itself.

You share a laugh with the employee at Jake's enthusiasm. "The closest thing to that is a horse, sir," the employee quips, prompting a gasp from Jake, who then turns to you with a twinkle in his eye. "Let's get a horsey-horse!"

"Jake, please," you interject, placing a hand on his tattooed arm. "What happened to the guy who didn't want so much as a goldfish near our house?"

He grins mischievously, his chin jutting out confidently. "Well, he's gone and in desperate need of a horse to ride." The employee leaves with a shake of his head, clearly amused by the two of you, giving you some time to chat.

You find yourselves in a dog shelter, puzzled by Jake's eccentric desire for a horse. Despite his excitement, you're not entirely sure if he's serious.

Sighing affectionately, you take Jake's arm and steer him away from the bustling employees, opting to explore the shelter together. "We'll get your horse next time, but first, let's find our dog," you say, pulling him along as he playfully pouts and pretends to be a drama queen.

"I guess a dog will do," he concedes, wrapping an arm around your shoulder. "For now." He whispers against your ear before stealing a quick kiss from your lips, causing you to giggle into the kiss.

As you make your way towards the playpen where most of the puppies are romping and barking, Jake entwines his fingers with yours, leading the way. "God, I want all of them. Look at 'em! Aren't you all just a bunch of gorgeous little fellas?"

Following his lead, you kneel down beside him as he coos at the puppies, scratching them behind their ears. "Is it even legal to adopt all these cuties at once?"

"There's probably a law like that somewhere," Jake replies without looking at you. "I'd be happy to break it with you."

"Jake, that's the sweetest thing anyone has ever said to me," you quip, feigning a dramatic sob and wiping imaginary tears.

He laughs with you, picking up a particularly shy wiener dog and holding it out to you. "Look at this one, he's so quiet. Maybe he's emo like Johnnie." The pup stares at you with beady eyes, and Jake gives you his best puppy eyes in return.

You chuckle, taking the dog from Jake's hands and cradling it in your arms. "He does look adorable."

"I mean, d'you like him?"

You stroke the wiener dog gently, feeling him relax in your arms as if he's found a familiar comfort. "I do. He's so precious, Jake."

He grins at you. "And I'm not disagreeing. As long as he doesn't take my spot in the bed and in your heart, then we're cool." Jake wraps his arm around your waist, pulling you closer to him and scratching the sleeping dog on your shoulder.

"No one could ever take your spot," you assure him, planting a kiss on Jake's lips and grinning. "Unless you do something to get yourself replaced, sweetheart." You playfully tap his cheek, watching as his mouth drops open in mock disbelief, eliciting another chuckle from you.

johnnie guilbert & jake webber imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now