i bet he will

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No smut this chapter just story building sorryyy

You've liked Johnnie for a long time, you remember when you were younger watching his YouTube videos, then he started to make music years after and you became fascinated yet again.

The rabbit you fell down once before had opened again and you jumped straight in. letting his voice, laughter, and breathing take over your senses.

Sure it's silly, you're basically in love with someone you've never met nor know the real personality of but you can't help it. You've always been one to lean towards more alt people but something about him makes your heart flutter.

After his music came on your Spotify again after years of forgetting about him, you couldn't help but be curious..what could he be up to?

You just moved back from Kansas to California, you grew up in California spending hours wondering around the cities and seeing all there was to see. But after a while you decided you needed something smaller.

So you moved to Kansas but that's in the past, you're back home (kinda).

The apartment was nothing extraordinary but it would be where you lived until you got your feet in the sand. You're a bartender funny because you don't drink, maybe it was because of how many drunk people you dealed with every night.

You slip on your work uniform, luckily it wasn't to strict so you could add your own flair, ok sure you never really got past the emo phase but hey that's ok you're hot and that's all that matters.

You drive to your new workplace, the building was busy people waiting in line outside begging the bouncer to let them in with their fake ids. You waltz up not sure what to do maybe he knew you were coming?

"Uh hi, I'm new here I'm the new bartender.." he ignores you maybe this was something that was common for people to lie about?

"Shit uhh hello?" You say again hoping to catch his attention

"Get to the back of the line or leave." He says blankly.

Well damn you should've expected this, then you have a good idea...use the employee door. Duh.

"Ok ok my bad it's my first day" you say as you walk away defeated and embarrassed, as you walk past the line to go to the back of the building you catch someone in the corner of your eye. Well it was his tattoos, you felt they looked familiar but you were already pushing not being on time so you brush it off and scurry to the back.

Once you're finally inside you check in with your boss and head out, you were assigned the left bar, it wasn't as busy so you assumed you being new meant you took the easier job.

But you were wrong, just as you settle down and start to locate all the different alcohol options. A group of guys come up to you clearly already intoxicated.

"Hey pretty lady you new here?" The 'main' guy of the group says his words slightly slurring, you sighed this wouldn't be your first time dealing with flirting and it wouldn't be the last. You ignore him, usually in kanas they either fuck off or order something maybe throwing a bitch under their breath.

But nope! Not with your luck, he leans in his breath reeked of whiskey "listen here whore don't act like you're some hot shit" his voice rising at the end, his fist tightened, your job wasn't the safest but it taught you to be hyperaware of everything.

You go to back up and go to help someone else who was trying to get your attention but you were cut short when the dick of a guy grabbed your wrist pulling you closer. You immediately push the button under the counter, it was to call a bodyguard.

johnnie guilbert & jake webber imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now