hard launch

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all credits to @/samandcolby-ownme on tumblr!!

Summary: Anon request - "can you do a fluff with jake? where reader is his girlfriend and it's there first video together?? tyyy"

Warnings: like two negative comments from viewers, nothing too extreme, other than that, pure fluff.

Word count: 861

This is short because I'm not as familiar with Jake like I am with Sam and Colby. But, if you give me a little to catch up, I'll be back with a longer one shot request that I've already received for Jake specifically.

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Jake has been your boyfriend for three, going on four months now. It's been great. You've managed to keep it on the down low, just for a little bit until you both felt it was time to confirm the speculations of the fans.

You thought that doing it on a live video would be best, but you were still slightly nervous. You laugh slightly, thinking about the possible outcomes as you lean back in the chair.

Jake looks at you, laughing slightly as he looks back down at the camera in his hands, "Ya nervous or something?"

You shrug, "Kind of."

He shakes his head, leaning over to peck your cheek, "They'll like you." He leans back, smiling, "How could they not?"

You smile, a slight heat rising in your cheeks, "Yeah, you're right."

"They already like you, love your channel.. if anything we'll be labeled a power couple." Jake laughs and you roll your eyes with a smile, "Mhm."

He smirks as he goes live, "Hey guys, how's it going?" He smiles and look over at you and back to the screen with a laugh, "Yes thats her."

You lean forward, "Hey. It's me, y/n."

Without any hesitation, Jake points to you, "Also my girlfriend." You look at me and he smiles like a kid in a candy store and you can't help but smile, "Wow. Talk about a hard launch."

He laughs and shrugs, "What can I say."

You smile, shaking your head, "So then, this-" you point to Jake, "- is my boyfriend." He nods, "Yeah I am." He leans in, kissing your cheek as he slides his hand to interlock his fingers with yours.

@/username1: I KNEW IT!

@/username2: HOW LONG!?

@/username3: How long has [yourshipname] been a thing!???

@/username4: Well that didn't last long. I'm out.

@/username5: seriously. Yikes. This won't last long.

You knew you could handle the hate comments that you were bound to receive at some point, but that didn't matter. Anxiety took over, making your leg bounce up and down rapidly as you try not to overthink it.

Jake quickly notices, taking his hand from yours and laying his hand on your knee, "I don't mean to brag or anything.." he glances over at you and back to the screen, "I personally think we're super cute together." He smirks, "But that's just me."

You smile, "Not just you, Jake."

He laughs and reads the screen, "Tomorrow actually will be four months, so yeah." He shrugs and looks at you, "This has honestly been the best four months of my life."

You smile, your leg quickly coming to a stop, "Mine too." You sigh taking his hand back into yours, "I honestly don't think I've ever been happier with anyone.. like once I saw Jake.. I couldn't keep my eyes off of him."

He smiles and looks down, "Guys. Shes doing it again."

"Doing what again!?" You look at him and he looks up, "Making me blush."

You laugh, "Oh my god." You push his shoulder, "Don't do that" He pushes your shoulder back gently and laughs, "I had to. I had to."

@/username6: I have been WAITING for this. I've had my suspicions for the longest time now!! Like what!!!

@/username7: screw anyone who doesn't like these two together. They're literally perfect for each other!!

@/username8: literal definition of made for each other.

You smile at the screen, looking over at Jake who's reading the comments, "No literally. We clicked and it was just.." he sighs, "She still gives me butterflies."

You nod, "Same. Same." You laugh and lean forward, "Oh, babe. They want us to do a Q and A video."

"You guys are going to like her more than me aren't you?" He pretends to pout as the chat fills with a bunch of joking yeses, "really?" He pretends to cry and get up, "Fine. Thats it. She can have my channel, too."

He gets up and walks a few steps away before turning around to come back to his seat, "I'm just joking."

You laugh and shake your head, "I'm in love with an idiot."

Jake looks at you, stunned because you haven't dropped the L word yet, "You're what?" He looks at the camera, "Did you guys hear that?!"

You cover your face, hiding your red cheeks, "Stop it!"

"No, no im sorry. The audience wants to hear what you said again." Jake pokes your side, getting you to laugh.

You shoot your arms down, "Fine, fine. I said.." you lean into Jake, "I'm in love.. with an idiot."

"Well this idiot is in love with you." He smiles and kisses your cheek a few times.

.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.

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