valentines day

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all credits to @/caeunot on tumblr!!

johnnie guilbert x reader fluff♡ valentines day with johnnie

➷ you didn't have a boyfriend, you haven't had one in 3 years and it doesn't bother you one bit. it was only when your close friend johnnie said it was a little sad that you were spending valentines day completely alone and only working. his words affected you more than you hoped, you had automatically assumed that this was the norm and having someone shatter that bubble was quite jarring.

"well then sir what should I do, valentines day is tomorrow and literally everyone I know is busy" you say sipping your already cold coffee, you didn't want to get up and warm it up though, in case of the subject changing.

"I think you should spent it with me! not in a weird way but in a platonic way, as you can see I also have no plans", "woah woah I never said I had no plans, just that my plans were not very valentines day themed" he laughed, "so is that a yes? can I pick you up after work?"

"it's a yes you weirdo"

you purposefully dressed better and put on more makeup than usual that morning, you knew johnnie would pick you up at your work instead of at your house so you wouldn't have time to get ready. you also packed in a skimpy black dress just for emergency! (you never know what might happen okay??)

and just as you assumed, there was johnnie waiting outside your work at exactly 4:20 pm, how he knew the exact time you would walk out still is a complete mystery. he was wearing a suit with a flower in his hand and did a little twirl when you walked up to him, "I clean up well huh" you smile, "yeah, for an emo guy"

"I'm not the one still in work clothes" you roll your eyes, "okay give me a minute and I'll change". you run back inside and change your outfit in the public bathroom, as you walk out you find yourself being stared at by your co-workers, and eventually johnnie as you stepped outside.

"wow, you look amazing" you twirl just as he did earlier, "okay show off get in the car". you jump in next to him in the back seat of the uber, as you do you notice his tie was done completely wrong. you scoot into the middle seat and start fixing his tie without a warning, making him turn his face away but you could see the blush on his ears, as you finish his tie you gently fix his already neat hair with your hands, "perfect!" you mutter when you finish, looking at him directly in the eyes.

"I only did it wrong because I never wear suits okay" he says shyly, "I believe you" you say leaning back into the car seat. "so where are you taking me? especially in that outfit" he laughs, "it's a surprise! you will have to wait". you stick out your tongue and look out the window to try make out where your going.

quite a few minutes later the car pulled over in the middle of what feels like an abandoned road, around you is mainly just land and mountains. "why did we stop?" you say as johnnie gets out the car. "hey answer me!" you say turning around and looking at him through the boot as he grabs bags. "come out the car then" he says with a grin before closing the boot.

you sigh and exit out the car and almost immediately it drives away leaving you and johnnie in the middle of nowhere, he throws a bag over his shoulder and starts walking further down the road. "you coming?" he says as he turned around to see you still standing. you just sigh and follow him.

you jog a bit to catch up, "johnnie no offence but so far this date is crap", he looks over to you "it's not that much further" he says. you two continued walking for awhile untill he stopped and took you by your shoulders, "okay, wait! close your eyes!", "okay" you giggle doing as he says. he takes you by your hands and leads you forward and almost a minute later he tells you to stand still and you hear some shuffling sounds as if he's taking things out his bag.

"okay open your eyes!" you look around and see that you are high up on the mountain and enough to see all the lights from the buildings below, the orange sun was spreading throughout the sky and you couldn't help but ghasp from the view alone, you look over to johnnie and see his proud face. you also saw he had put down a picnic blanket and a lot of takeaway food.

"holy shit!! how did you know this existed?", he sits down on the blanket and waited for you to sit down to respond, "everywhere I've lived I've made it my mission to find little hidden places, if I'm honest I don't think we are even allowed to be here". "even better" you say laying down to get a better view of the clouds.

he lies down next to you leaning his face on his hand looking down at you, "thank you for letting me take you here" he says with a look you have never seen on him. "you must like me a lot to take me to your secret spot hm? or is this where you take all your girls." you said with a lewd grin.

he fixes a strand of your hair, "your the first person I've taken here". "and why am I the one to get that privilege" you say sitting up. "is that even a question y/n, no one compares to you".

you feel yourself blush, "sorry that was weird" he says shaking his head. "no no it's not, it was perfect, this is perfect.. you are perfect" you say leaning into his face but stopping before you were in touching distance. "y/n" he whimpers as he looked up into your eyes.

the air between you so thick and intense, you wanted nothing more than to have his soft lips move against yours. but sadly he breaks it away and clears his throat, "anyways I brought food! it's getting cold we should eat!"

reluctantly you did as he said and you two ate and drank in a comfortable silence, after you finish you get up the uber comes back just as it starts getting too dark. "thank you for tonight, I loved it" you said as you put your seatbelt on. "I'm so glad" he says giving a weak smile.

the silence lasted a while longer till you decided to break it, "wait I don't want to go home yet", he looks at you confused. "can we stop at the park? I want to watch the stars". he bites his lip contemplating. "okay yeah sure!" he says and directs the uber to the closest park.

once you get there he takes the bags and lays out the blanket again, you sit down feel goosebumps appear down your arm. "I'm an idiot I didn't bring a jacket" he immediately takes off his lepard jacket he had changed into earlier, he then put it on your shoulders without even asking, "you sure?" you ask, he just nods.

you lie down and take in the serenity, the stars were very clear that night and you could identify some of them, but you decided not to be cliche and list them to Johnnie. speaking about Johnnie, you couldn't help but notice how good he smells with him lying so close to you.

you turn and face him, "johnnie", you just say. he turns towards you, "yes y/n?". you take in a deep breath, "I don't want to look at the stars anymore", " what? why?" he says concerned.

"I'd much rather look at you" you say biting your lip, immediately embarrassed because of his cheesey you are.

he sits up and immediately leans in grabbing your face and kisses you passionately. you let out a small moan from surprise as he climbs on top you and grinds gently ontop of your dress, since it it so small just by that movement it starts riding up your body exposing your panties.

"mmfff not here Johnnie" you say moving back, he looks at you on his all fours like a lost desperate puppy. "fine" he says and dramatically lying back down onto the blanket. you crawl up next to him and tuck your head under his arm and wrap your leg around his. "is this okay?" you ask after you got comfortable.

he just kisses your forehead and let's out a small "mhm" 

johnnie guilbert & jake webber imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now