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all credits to @/thugpugs4lrh on tumblr!!

Summary: A night exploring a haunted mansion with your best friend turns into you meeting your paranormal lover

Pairing: Vampire!Johnnie x human (feminine)!reader

Warnings: Horror/scary themes, blood, mentions of werewolf!Jake x Tara

Word Count: 2.2k


"Do you wanna do something fun?" Tara asked you, looking up from her phone.

You two were simply lying in your dorm on a Friday night, scrolling through your separate social media. In a rare occurrence, there were no parties going on in your college town, so you two had decided to have a quiet night in. That is, until your best friend looked at you with a gleam in her eye and asked her question.

"Like what?" You rolled onto your side, propping yourself on your elbow.

"Well..." she started, brushing her bangs out of her eyes. "What if we went to Harbordale Manor?"

Harbordale Manor was notorious in the town. It was an old, Gothic mansion that was situated rather deep in the woods that skirted the town's edge. Legend had it that the family that had lived there in the early 1900s had died in a rather gruesome murder and that some of their souls still haunted the house today. You didn't quite believe that part, mostly because vampires were not real and secondly because no one had been brave enough to actually venture all the way inside the house in the college's history.

"You're kidding, Tar," You snorted. "What are we gonna do? Go out there and make it to the gates just to say we went? Like literally everyone else?"

Your best friend shook her head, thick, black locks of hair falling down her shoulders. "No. I want to see if the vampire thing is real. I haven't gotten laid in ages. I need the Edward fantasy to come to life."

You rolled your eyes at your best friend antics, but pulled yourself out of bed, throwing on a flannel and your Converse. "Well, are you coming or not?"

Tara scrambled down from her bed, pulling on her shoes and grabbing her backpack and a flashlight. Luckily, the residence hall was nearly empty. It seemed like most of the inhabitants and even the RA had decided to have an early, quiet night, which worked in your favor. People would definitely want to join the two of you for the shock factor if they knew where you were going.

The walk to the edge of the woods was quick and easy. The few students you two had passed on the street paid you no mind, too caught up in their own lives. The forest loomed in front of you, dark and twisted with the sound of animals and other creatures rustling underfoot.

"This is it," Tara hummed, flicking on the flashlight. "No turning back now."

"If we get killed or die, it's your fault." You joked, nudging her shoulder.

You had never been in the woods at night, and because of that, your stomach rumbled with unease. You knew everything you had heard were urban legends, myths, and stories, but that didn't stop your heart from pounding every time a twig snapped. You and Tara had walked about 800 feet before her flashlight glinted across rusted metal. Shining it more thoroughly, you saw the wrought iron gates that stood before the stone mansion, held up by stone columns. 'HDM' was somehow strategically twisted into the bars, letting you know that whoever had once lived here was both regal and wealthy. Whatever path had once led to the house was long gone, and the only trace that people had been out here any time recently were the scattered beer cans.

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