sure i'll come over

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You go over to your good friend Jake Webber's house for a smoke sesh and end up in his bed (SHOCKER)

You've been hanging out with Jake for about 6 months. It's all been casual and fun. You have a bunch of stuff in common and you met him through your work. He finds the fact that you aren't an influencer refreshing, meanwhile you find it interesting that he is one.
The undertones of your friendship were always a bit romantic, but it was never forced. Going further than friends was not necessarily a priority since he's been dealing with a lot.


Your phone dings and lights up "we have nothing to do, want to come over?" you read. "Sure I'll be there in a bit." Jake invites you over to occupy his and Johnnie's time frequently. Most likely because you give them weed for free, smh.

You pack up some stuff you want to bring over, get ready, and drive to his house. You love this house so much, it's not as well decorated as your apartment but it's really impressive to you that he's a homeowner.

You step in, knowing they don't lock the door, and peak around until you behold Johnnie sprawled across the couch. You greet him then sit on the couch adjacent to him. After pulling out *things* from your bag you get comfy and wait for Jake to make his appearance.

After about 30 minutes of casual chit chat with the aforementioned emo-twink (yes I know he's straight this is a joke don't cancel me), Jake pops into the room. You can smell the cigarettes on his clothes when he takes a seat next to you. He greets you and asks if you brought any pot for them, you tell him "yes but you have to prep it yourself I don't feel like packing it or lighting it" and he complies. You, Jake, and Johnnie spend the next hour or so smoking and just hanging out. Pretty average day.

Abruptly, Johnnie checks his phone and shoots up. "Fuck I forgot about that appointment, I have to get an Uber." Jake offers to drive him and Johnnie tells him no, that he's alright getting a ride and doesn't want to burden.

Johnnie rushes out of the house after ordering an Uber, and leaves you and Jake alone. This is a pretty normal occurrence, so it's not awkward. Eventually you two get tired of the couch and move to his room, you're a little high, and find yourself realizing, suddenly, that you've cuddled up against him while lying down. You're on your side, facing him, with your head on his shoulder, and his arm wrapped around you. Normally this wouldn't fluster you in the slightest. You cuddle all of your friends. But for some reason you find yourself with butterflies. You know that your face is burning up, but it's not noticeable because you were already flushed from smoking.
You lose yourself in him, you almost feel like you're spinning. He smells so good, not in a clean way, but in a musky way. And he is very warm as well as a little muscular, but not to a point where you feel uncomfortable against him. You snap yourself out of this trance though, and adjust to be out of his arms and lying on your back while not touching him. Jake notices your movement, and most likely your change in demeanor too, and props himself up on his elbow to face you, while hovering over you a bit. You look at his face, and feel the butterflies once more. You see his arm move a bit, and divert your attention away from his stunning mouth. Suddenly he reaches out to you and holds the side of your face with his hand, very gently. He makes you look at him, making eye contact with him, despite you both hating eye contact. You just stare at each other for a while, and it's beautiful.

You must've been leaning in subconsciously, because he leans in and kisses you, finally. He's very gentle with you at first, with a short but romantic kiss. Then this turns into two kisses, then three. But you crave more from him, so you push him onto his back and climb on top of him to start full-on making out. This position allows you to tangle your fingers through his hair while straddling him. You make sure to intensify the make out, when he starts grinding against you. You let out a breath, and position yourself closer to his dick so it feels better for the both of you. He continues to grind while you let out small noises. His hands have found themselves holding your waist, gripping into your soft skin harshly. You break the lustful kiss and rest your head on his shoulder. It feels really great to be this close to him, it's all you've wanted for a long time.
He takes your ending of the make out as a sign to take over. He flips the both of you over and gets comfortable on top of you. Your legs are now wrapped around his waist, and you're grinding even harder now.

johnnie guilbert & jake webber imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now