Chapter 19

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As the dust settles after the chaotic confrontation, Jean, Marco, and their group finally manage to track down Eren and Historia amidst the chaos of the government building. Marco's voice trembles with disbelief and accusation as he addresses them, his eyes darting between the two figures before him.

"Eren, Christa," Marco gasps, his voice tinged with a mixture of shock and anger, "what have you two done? Did you seriously overthrow the government and crown yourselves as king and queen?"

The dimly lit room echoes with tension as Historia responds, her voice cutting through the air like ice. Her usually gentle demeanor replaced by a steely resolve as she meets Marco's gaze head-on.

"It was the only way to ensure the safety of our people within Paradis Island," Historia's words are measured, each syllable carrying the weight of her newfound responsibility. "Even if I hadn't taken action, fate would have still led me to this throne. My father was the true king, but he created a puppet which would harm the nation."

Eren, standing beside Historia, steps forward, his expression hardened with determination and anger. His eyes, usually filled with a sense of longing, now burn with a fierce intensity.

"The corruption within the walls has festered for too long," Eren's voice resonates with conviction as he speaks. "It's clear that those in power turned a blind eye, allowing the Armored Titan and the Colossal Titan to breach our walls, bringing death and destruction. If we allow them to continue unchecked, Wall Sina will fall, and with it, everything we hold dear."

Jean's voice quivers with a mix of disbelief and betrayal as he continues to process the shocking revelations. His eyes narrow as he directs his question towards Eren and Historia, his voice laced with a tinge of accusation.

"Was this your plan all along? Did you join the Survey Corps just to lead us to this moment?" Jean's words hang heavy in the tense atmosphere, each syllable carrying the weight of his shattered trust. "We thought you were dead, and now you've not only returned but taken the throne as well?"

Eren meets Jean's gaze with a steady stare, his expression unwavering despite the accusation in Jean's tone. His eyes hold a glimpse of the hardships and knowledge gained over the years, a silent testament to the burdens they carry.

"We've been preparing for this for years," Eren's voice is firm, devoid of hesitation. "Long before we crossed paths with any of you, we were building our own army beyond the walls, understanding the harsh realities of our world. This wasn't a spur-of-the-moment decision; it was a calculated move to protect our home and our people."

The room falls into a heavy silence, the weight of Eren and Historia's actions sinking in among the group. Outside, the distant sounds of conflict serve as a grim reminder of the world they live in, a world where survival often demands drastic measures and difficult choices.

Jean's fists clench at his sides, his emotions a turbulent mix of anger, confusion, and a lingering sense of betrayal. The once-unbreakable bonds forged in the face of Titans now strained under the weight of political intrigue and power struggles.

Marlowe's voice carries a mix of curiosity and concern as he steps forward, his gaze shifting between Eren and Historia, searching for answers amidst the turmoil that surrounds them. His words are carefully chosen, reflecting the weight of the information he has gathered and the implications it holds.

"I've heard rumors," Marlowe begins, his tone measured yet earnest, "that you struck a deal with the military government. You were working towards disbanding the old order and forming a new military structure. And lately, more and more civilians have turned to your faction instead of ours to address their grievances. Is it because of the corruption within the walls that has pushed them towards you?"

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