Chapter 11

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On the day of the 57th expedition's arrival, Eren, Historia, Taka, Lara, and the Yeagerist soldiers lurk behind the dense foliage, concealed yet alert as they observe the Survey Corps' approach. Eren's gaze scans the familiar faces, noting Jean's absence but recognizing Thomas, Mina, and others from his previous squad among the ranks. He murmurs to his comrades, "Our target is Reiner and Bertolt. Are you all prepared?"

The Yeagerists respond with determined nods, their resolve palpable in the tense air. Eren takes the initiative, aiming with unwavering precision as his shot finds its mark on Reiner's abdomen, eliciting cries of alarm from the approaching Survey Corps.

"Reiner!" The exclamation ripples through the ranks as all eyes turn to the wounded warrior. Eren wastes no time, biting into his hand to initiate his transformation, the earth trembling as the towering figure of the Attack Titan emerges.

"There it is! The Titan that turned the tide for humanity!" Armin's astonishment is drowned out by Eren's thunderous roar, the ferocity in his eyes mirroring the charge he makes towards the bewildered Scouts. Erwin's urgent command pierces through the chaos, "Everyone, evade!"

The Survey Corps members scramble, their training kicking in as they dodge the Titan's onslaught. Connie's voice carries confusion amidst the chaos, "Why is our ally attacking us?"

Meanwhile, Eren relentlessly pursues Reiner and Bertolt, his companions and the Yeagerists providing cover fire to hinder their escape. The duo, realizing the imminent danger, hesitate to transform, wary of exposing themselves prematurely.

Amidst the fray, the soldiers' attention is drawn to unexpected reinforcements clad in distinct uniforms bearing a mysterious emblem. They soar through the air with agility unmatched, their voices ringing out, "Do not let our targets slip away!"

As they surge past bewildered Scouts, Mina's voice cuts through the confusion, "Why are they targeting Reiner and Bertolt? Who are these people?"

Connie, his resolve unwavering, responds, "I'm not sure, but they're in trouble. We need to assist them!"

Just as the Titan's grasp nears Bertolt, who cradles Reiner's injured form, Captain Levi's blade slices through the air with deadly precision, severing the Titan's reaching arm. Eren bellows in pain, his anguish echoing through the chaos.

"I understand Titans are our enemies; there's no such thing as an ally among them," Levi declares as he maneuvers around Eren's towering form. Eren clenches his jaw, issuing a primal roar, "Stay out of my path!"

The shockwave of his roar ripples through the onlookers. Mikasa's gasp resonates, "That's Eren's voice! He's here!"

With swift determination, Historia and Taka arrive, donned in unfamiliar uniforms, their motives shrouded in mystery. Levi's evasion of their attacks prompts Armin's incredulous exclamation, "Christa and Taka? But why?"

As their ODM gear runs dry, Eren emerges from the Titan's husk, a surprising turn that leaves everyone stunned. Mikasa moves to approach him, concern etched on her face, but he brushes past her, fixated on his target.

"Eren, wait!" Historia and Taka plead, attempting to halt his relentless charge. His growl cuts through the air, "No! Reiner and Bertolt must pay for taking my mother's life!"

Armin's voice rings out, a mixture of disbelief and concern, "Eren, what do you mean?"

"Reiner and Bertolt are the Armored and Colossal Titans! I'll end them!" Eren's declaration echoes through the chaos as he breaks free from Historia and Taka, biting his hand once more to trigger his transformation, hot pursuit set on Reiner and Bertolt.

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