Chapter 7

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During the graduation ceremony, a throng of people clusters around Eren Yeager, their faces etched with a mix of curiosity and concern. Thomas leans in, his voice a blend of incredulity and disbelief, "You seriously aren't joining the Military Police, Eren?"

Beside him, Samuel chimes in, a hint of admiration coloring his tone, "Yeah, you managed to crack the Top 10."

Eren meets their gaze, his expression resolute. "We made a commitment from the start. We weren't groomed for cushy lives within the Interior. We were forged to confront Titans."

Thomas flinches, his words sharp with doubt. "But we can't defeat them!"

His outburst resonates louder than intended, casting a sudden hush over the room as all eyes turn to Eren, awaiting his response.

Eren bows his head briefly, his voice steady. "Perhaps we can, perhaps we can't. But we'll never know until we try."

He locks eyes with each of them, his gaze unwavering. "Do you truly believe the Titans will halt at Wall Maria? If we don't push back, Wall Rose and Wall Sina will crumble too. We cannot allow that to happen. Too many have already sacrificed their lives for humanity's sake. It falls upon us to ensure their sacrifices were not in vain."

Armin and Mikasa exchange glances, sensing a surge of motivation ripple through the crowd. Yet, beneath it all, a palpable unease gnaws at their hearts, signaling that momentous events are on the horizon.

Atop the towering Wall, the newly graduated trainees engage in the meticulous choreography of maintenance work, their movements synchronized and purposeful. Among them stand Connie, Thomas, Samuel, Sasha, and the companions they've forged bonds with during their rigorous training.

"We're all in this together now," Historia remarks to Eren, a glint of determination in her eyes.

Eren nods, a faint smile gracing his lips. "Indeed. It's been five long years since the initial onslaught. Humanity has endured much, but now, we begin our resurgence."

Suddenly, the air crackles with tension as the colossal silhouette of the Colossal Titan materializes before them, its ominous presence looming over the horizon. A maelstrom of wind and steam swirls around its towering form as it unleashes its devastating power, striking the Wall with a thunderous blow that reverberates through the air.

"The Colossal Titan!" Sasha's voice rings out, echoing the shock that ripples through the group.

Thomas's eyes widen in disbelief. "The wall... breached?"

Connie's expression darkens with dread. "Not again... the Titans will breach the walls once more!"

With urgency coursing through their veins, Eren takes command, his voice cutting through the chaos. "Maintenance team 4, ready the fixed cannons for combat!"

Historia's resolve hardens as she scans the scene before them. "Our target is the Colossal Titan! This is our opportunity!"

With practiced ease, they activate their ODM gear, launching themselves into the fray. Eren positions himself defiantly before the colossal foe, his words laced with determination. "Hey there... it's been five years..."

As the Colossal Titan targets the fixed cannons with a menacing swipe of its hand, Eren and Historia spring into action, swiftly evading the impending destruction.

"He's targeting the cannons!" Historia's voice carries a note of urgency amidst the chaos.

"Let's put our plan into motion," Eren declares resolutely, securing his ODM gear as he launches himself towards the colossal adversary. With blades drawn, he aims to carve into its formidable form.

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