Chapter 17

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As the news of the government coup spreads like wildfire across the island, the once-silent streets erupt into a cacophony of enraged voices. Civilians, their faces twisted with a mixture of anger and fear, gather in clusters, their shouts echoing off the walls of the buildings. Torches are lit, casting flickering shadows that dance with the intensity of their emotions.

In the heart of the city, where the government once held sway, the atmosphere crackles with tension. The scent of unrest hangs heavy in the air, mingling with the acrid smell of smoke from burning effigies of the old regime. The people, no longer willing to be pawns in a game of power, have risen up in support of the new leadership, symbolized by Historia Reiss.

Erwin, his piercing gaze fixed on a map sprawled across the table, breaks the heavy silence. "This changes everything," he murmurs, his voice edged with concern. "We need to understand their motives and intentions."

Dot Pixis, his grizzled features etched with lines of worry, nods in agreement. "Indeed. We cannot afford to let chaos consume us. We must seek clarity and find a way forward."

Darius Zackly, known for his stern demeanor and unwavering resolve, interjects with a commanding tone. "I will arrange a meeting with Queen Historia. We must know where we stand and what actions to take next."

The room falls into a contemplative silence as they each ponder the uncertain future that lies ahead. Outside, the city continues to seethe with unrest, a reflection of the turmoil that now grips not just its streets but also its very foundations.

The next day arrives with an air of tense anticipation as the meeting between the military leaders and Queen Historia Reiss approaches. The chamber is solemn, its walls adorned with portraits of past rulers, their watchful eyes seeming to observe the proceedings.

As the clock ticks towards the appointed time, the heavy doors swing open, and Nile Dok, released from his imprisonment, enters the room, his expression a mixture of relief and determination. His presence adds to the gravity of the situation, signaling that this is not just a routine gathering but a crucial moment in the island's history.

Moments later, Queen Historia Reiss glides into the chamber, her posture regal yet with a hint of weariness in her eyes, a reflection of the weight of her newfound responsibilities. Following closely behind her is Eren Yeager, his demeanor stoic and unreadable, a silent observer in this high-stakes meeting.

The six figures take their seats around the polished table, the atmosphere charged with anticipation. Queen Historia, breaking the silence, speaks with a calm yet commanding voice, "So shall we begin?"

Erwin leans forward, his eyes fixed intently on Queen Historia. "Your highness, why would you go to such lengths to create such upheaval within the government, to seize the throne and imprison the royal family?"

Queen Historia's expression remains composed as she meets Erwin's gaze. "We could have chosen to do nothing, but inaction would have been futile. My father would have dispatched his forces to hunt us down regardless. In essence, we decided to confront the truth and expose the corruption within."

Nile's voice carries a note of accusation. "You have assembled your own army, one that rivals our own military. How long have you been plotting this course of action?"

Eren steps in, his tone measured yet resolute. "Our plans have been in motion for five years now. Erwin, you must have come across information about my late father, Grisha Yeager, and the secrets he uncovered. The world's workings are far more complex and sinister than we once believed."

Historia's voice is steady but laced with a hint of sorrow as she continues, "From the books that you've read, you must have learned about Titans and the underlying workings of our world. The reason we took action against the Military Police is due to our suspicions that they hold knowledge about Titans and the secrets of our past. Under the king's orders, they have been silencing anyone who dares to delve into these forbidden truths."

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