Chapter 8

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Amidst the jubilation surrounding humanity's newfound victory against the Titans, Mikasa remains cloaked in a shroud of despair. Her solemn demeanor does not escape Armin's notice, for he understands the weight of her grief all too well.

"Mikasa..." Armin's voice is gentle, a beacon of empathy in the midst of the celebration.

But Mikasa's response is resolute, her determination cutting through the air like a blade. "I refuse to believe that Eren, Taka, and Historia are gone. Without a body, there is still hope. They're alive, Armin. I can feel it. And I won't rest until I find them. We'll join the Survey Corps, and together, we'll rescue Eren."

Armin's gaze meets Mikasa's, his resolve matching hers. "You're right. Eren wouldn't surrender his life so easily. They must have a plan, a strategy already in motion. We'll find them, Mikasa. We'll bring them back."

In their shared determination lies the promise of hope, a flickering beacon amidst the darkness that threatens to engulf them. Together, they will embark on a journey fraught with peril, driven by the unwavering belief that their bonds of friendship will guide them through the darkest of nights.

As the Survey Corps approaches the breached wall, Hange's keen observation skills are quick to note the absence of any Titans lurking nearby. "Strange... I thought the wall had fallen..."

Levi's sharp eyes catch a peculiar detail. "Hold on... it seems like... something's blocking the hole from the other side."

Their attention is drawn to the massive boulder lodged within the breach, prompting an intrigued remark from Hange. "Well, I'll be. Looks like the Garrison devised a plan to seal the breach in case of an emergency."

With a collective decision to rendezvous with the Garrison's leader, Commander Pyxis, Erwin seeks clarification on the situation. "What transpired here? It seems the Colossal Titan made another appearance, and it appears the Garrison acted swiftly to plug the breach."

Pyxis chuckles wryly, his expression tinged with resignation. "I wish it were that simple, but as you can see, reality is often far from ideal."

Their attention is drawn to the displaced boulder, prompting Erwin to inquire further. "How did you manage to maneuver such a massive object?"

Pyxis's gaze shifts to the boulder, a somber expression clouding his features. "The truth is, we didn't move the boulder." He recounts the events of the morning, detailing the sudden appearance of the Colossal Titan and its destructive rampage. "This time, it also targeted the wall-mounted cannons. The brave efforts of our newest graduates to fend off the Titan were futile. It released a scorching cloud of steam, forcing them back, before vanishing as swiftly as it had arrived."

"How? What did it look like? How hot was the steam? How did..." Hange's curiosity gets the better of her, bombarding Pyxis with questions, only to be gently reprimanded by Levi. "Calm down, Four Eyes. Let him speak."

"As soon as the Colossal Titan made its appearance, the Garrison sprang into action," Pyxis continues, his tone grave. "We deployed iron nets to block the breached gate, replaced the destroyed cannons with new ones, and initiated the evacuation of civilians. However, amidst the chaos, three additional Titans emerged within the city."

"Three Titans?" Erwin's voice betrays his concern. "What are their characteristics?"

"According to the eyewitness accounts from our recruits," Pyxis explains, "one appears to be a robust male, responsible for sealing the breached gate. Another resembles an animal, with oversized jaws and claws that dispatch other Titans with ease. Lastly, there's a female Titan whose roar commands obedience from nearby Titans, rendering them vulnerable to attack."

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