Chapter 15

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Erwin sits at the head of the dimly lit meeting room, flanked by Pyxis and Zachary. The air is heavy with anticipation as they gather around a polished wooden table. Pyxis, his grizzled face etched with curiosity, leans forward and asks, "So, Erwin, what's the purpose of this gathering?"

With deliberate movements, Erwin places three weathered books on the table, their covers worn from age and use. He meets Pyxis' gaze squarely and begins, "Upon our return from the recent expedition, our path led us back to Wall Maria. Despite the loss of soldiers from the 104th Corps, we noticed a significant decrease in Titan encounters compared to our earlier expeditions. Inside a secluded house, we stumbled upon these." He gestures towards the books, his tone tinged with intrigue and urgency.

Zachary reaches for one of the books, tracing his fingers over the title engraved in faded gold letters. "The Life of Grisha Yeager," he murmurs, his voice carrying a note of recognition. "I recall whispers of this man—a doctor who traversed in and out of the walls."

Pyxis flips through another book, his eyes scanning the pages filled with revelations about the world beyond the Walls and the enigmatic Titans. "Information of the World beyond the Walls," he muses aloud. "The extent of Titan knowledge... Who exactly is Grisha Yeager, and what compelled him to pen such detailed accounts?"

Erwin leans forward, his expression grave yet resolute. "These books were meticulously hidden in a basement, shielded from Titan assaults. Reading through them has confirmed my father's long-held theories," he explains, his voice steady with conviction. "Grisha Yeager may have passed, a fact Commander Shadis confirmed, but his legacy and the secrets he unraveled live on within these pages."

Zachary's brow furrows in contemplation. "If Grisha Yeager possessed the knowledge we seek, why go to such lengths to conceal it?" he questions, his voice filled with intrigue.

Erwin's gaze turns inward for a moment before he begins, "To understand why, let me share a tale about my father."

The scene transitions to Erwin's childhood, where his father, a teacher, stands before a classroom filled with eager faces. "My father was an educator," Erwin narrates, his voice carrying a hint of nostalgia. "During one of our history lessons, we learned about humanity's retreat behind the walls, ushering in a century of peace away from the Titans."

In a flashback, Erwin's father is seen holding a book and chalk, explaining the history to his students. "This act of retreat erased much of our past, leaving us with a sanitized version of history," Erwin continues, the memory vivid in his mind.

A young Erwin raises his hand, his eyes betraying a thirst for knowledge. "But I harbored doubts," Erwin admits. "I questioned my father about the discrepancies in our history, seeking answers that weren't in our textbooks."

The scene shifts to nighttime, with Erwin and his father alone in their home. "After school that day, my father finally shared the truth with me," Erwin recounts, his voice tinged with sadness. "He revealed that the government's history books were riddled with contradictions and secrets deliberately hidden from us."

A montage shows Erwin absorbing his father's revelations, his young mind grappling with newfound knowledge. "My father's revelations astounded me, but he cautioned me against sharing the truth indiscriminately," Erwin adds, the weight of his father's words evident in his tone.

Young Erwin is then shown interacting with classmates, passionately sharing his father's insights. "I couldn't contain my excitement and shared my father's story with others," Erwin admits, a hint of regret coloring his voice.

The scene transitions to Erwin standing solemnly before his father's grave. "That decision cost my father dearly," Erwin says, his voice heavy with emotion. "He never returned home one fateful day, falling victim to a supposed accident in a distant town. But I knew the truth—the government silenced him for daring to expose their lies."

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