Days Like This

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"Baby, you'll never guess what I bought today," I say walking up behind lil baby as we finish our night routine

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"Baby, you'll never guess what I bought today," I say walking up behind lil baby as we finish our night routine. I love watching how her body has been changing. Her body has always been perfect but mini-me has been adding some width to her hips thickening them motherfuckers for real.

"What did you buy?" she's dressed in nothing but my shirt cause we've gotten to the point in her pregnancy where she says she can only wear clothes that don't touch her in a weird way. Something about feeling every thread in her clothes and it driving her nuts.

"I got my first dad shirt," I say wiggling my eyebrows.

She looks at me through the mirror with confusion on her face. "You got a Burberry shirt?"

"What? No, a dad shirt. You know the ones you wear and you can put the baby in it. I read that they are great for when you need to secure the baby against your chest."

"Where did you read that?" she asks turning around to face me.

I can't read her face. I swipe at the back of my neck as panic sears through me. "Uh . . . just an article."

"What kind of article?" she asks.

"You know." I swallow. "The kind that is sent to me every week to tell me what you will be experiencing and how I can help you. I think it's good that I educate myself so I can support you better. This is helpful to me."

"Aww baby . . . that's . . . that's so cute," she says her eyes welling up as she breaks down into tears.

I lift her onto the counter, I thought I was used to her crying ass but mini-me has been running circles around us both. Every day we wake up and it's something new we gotta navigate. There was a day I walked in on lil baby sobbing while watching Family Feud. Talking about someone guessed cucumber as the most popular vegetable, and she couldn't fathom how an eggplant might feel from being left out. Shit would have been funny if I hadn't had to spend mad long trying to calm her down.

"How can I make it better, Mama? How can I make this feel better?" I ask, rubbing her lower back.

"Can you just hold me?" she asks resting her forehead against mine and placing her hand on my chest.

I kiss her forehead before pulling her body flush against mine I pour all the unsaid words into this hug. "I can do that." In these moments, everything else fades away. All I see is her. All I feel is her. And I want the same for her.

"Thank you," she whispers as her body melts into mine.

"Don't thank me. I'm just doing what I'm supposed to do for my big, big baby."

"I'm not a baby."

"Yeah okay," I mutter against her lips, kissing them. Once. Twice. Three times and I still haven't had enough. "Is the Burberry shirt a thing? Do I need to start wearing that now?"

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