Without Fear

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The last week crawled by at a snail's pace but in a good way

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The last week crawled by at a snail's pace but in a good way. Everything about our time in Monaco felt surreal. Nothing existed but us. Zac and I had been in our own world and it felt right.


He felt...right. In a way that Paul never had. He felt familiar, and new and refreshing all at once.

It also didn't hurt that I was well-fucked, well-protected, well-fed, well-spoiled and nowhere near ready to go back to the real world so I spent our last evening pouting and Zac had found my bratty behaviour very amusing. Unlike the flight after our wedding, I slept through most of the return home. This time, I knew the exact reason for my slumber. Multiple orgasms prior to our journey home to rid me of said bratty behaviour and one more on my private jet before I curled into my husband and allowed my sated body to settle into my new routine.

Finding comfort in him.

It's disgusting how comfortable I've gotten with him and how easy he makes everything with his reassurance, presence and thoughtfulness. I've never had anyone consider me as much as he does and I guess that speaks a lot about the people in my life. And how little I've asked of them. Paul never planned shit. Ever. Every vacation, outing, and major purchase was done on a whim or at my impetus. It was an exhausting way to live. With Zac I've not had to ask for anything, he planned the whole honeymoon down to helping me advance my career in a way that I've only ever dreamed of. He's anticipated my needs without me saying anything and has met all of them and that shit turned me on.

Today is my first day back at work since we got back a couple of days ago and my husband woke me up with his head between my legs then he proceeded to take his time fucking me within an inch of my life. It's insane how my legs just part themselves with little input from anyone, including myself, every time his ass even looks at me. Shit is so good I'm on the brink of a mental crisis, wanting to line up every bitch that's had him before and slap them hoes blind.

With my thoughts on violence, I step into the kitchen to make us both coffee and feel my phone vibrate and I smile at the face that appears on the screen.

"Do you have my phone tapped?" I ask, answering the Facetime call from Danni flashing her a smile.

"No, I just knew you'd be back by now and I figured I'd give you a call. Besides you didn't call me the entire time you were gone."

"Babe the point of a honeymoon is to get away from everyone else and settle into being husband and wife."

"First, bitch fuck that. Second I see now that my brother has been up in them guts I'm no longer your favourite," she says fake pouting.

I playfully roll my eyes but reach for my neck, pressing my fingers into the back of it to calm the wave of heat that crawls over my skin. "Uhm, yeah he got me all the way together."

She laughs, "I can tell based on the 'I've been properly fucked' smile you're trying to hide from me, so I guess you had a good reason for ignoring me all week."

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