Give And Take

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Seriously, I can't believe this mess

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Seriously, I can't believe this mess. How is this my life? I walk out of Zac's office, still replaying his insane proposition in my head. Seriously, who even offers someone money to marry them? I swear, it's like I stepped into some over-the-top romance novel. As the door clicks shut behind me, I rolled my eyes so hard I think they did a 360 in my sockets.

My first stop after leaving Zac's office in a hot mess of rage is to the one person I knew for sure will have my best interests at heart.

She's not just my lawyer; she's like my superhero in these insane situations. She knows me too well, probably because I pay her a small fortune, but it's worth every penny. I don't even wait for pleasantries with her assistant; I just barge in like a tornado about to hit.

Once settled I recount the whole crazy story and Sabrina declares this an emergency situation and we need all hands on deck so her assistant Joan joins us.

"He's a billionaire, Tima. Yes, you're going to have to fuck him."

I push out a sigh, balancing my overfilled wine glass as I drop to a seat on the couch in Sabrina's office. She isn't the one who offers that insight though. That is Joan.

"This is... insane. Am I the only one that thinks this is crazy? He's my ex's best friend." I muse, taking a deep gulp from the wine.

It's entirely too early to be drinking, but desperate times called for wine o'clock and when Joan offered, I didn't have the fortitude to turn it down.

Across from me, Sabrina shrugs. "It's actually... not that extraordinary. People get with their ex's best friends all the time. And when you have that kind of money, things move a little different."

"A lot different, a marriage of convenience is not that unheard of." Joan chimes in from the seat next to mine. "And honestly... Zachary Taylor wouldn't be the worst thing that could happen to you."

I can feel my eyebrows trying to escape into my hairline. "Neither would a refrigerator landing on my big toe, but I don't want that shit either."

Sabrina laughs. "I understand where you're coming from, Tima, but Joan is right. He's got real money, he's fine as shit, and I've never heard any um... stories about him. If you know what I mean."

"I don't," I insisted. "And with all this shit, I don't have the brain power or bandwidth for this right now. Just tell it to me straight."

"She means He's not a psycho or anything, or a freak, in the bad way," Joan clarifies. "People always act shocked when these rich men get their business put on blast in the media, but the truth is that... "certain people" know these... "open secrets." Zac though doesn't have anything like that. He's probably just your run-of-the-mill commitment-phobe, which... again, at that tax bracket...?" she finishes with a shrug

"Got it. So, I won't end up on the news with a black eye or chained in his basement, but cheating is on the table. Where do I sign?" I grumble, rolling my eyes."

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