Now Or Never

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Thursday comes by quickly and I still can't believe how well things have been going with Fatima

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Thursday comes by quickly and I still can't believe how well things have been going with Fatima. In those two weeks, I've woken up to a woman that I'm getting to know a little more each day. She's made me smile so damn much that I've cracked the sides of my lips at least once a week, some days my throat aches from laughing uncontrollably until dawn. We've talked about so many things and I still can't believe I get to marry her this weekend.

She's been through a lot and I can't wait to pick up every piece and put her back together. She's mine, now. Everything about her life is about to improve. The only thing I want Fatima focused on is getting better, finer by the day and bossing up. All she needs is plenty of water, plenty of love, plenty of money, plenty of opportunities, plenty of time with me, and plenty of dick. With those, she'll be untouchable.

"So what's the plan once we land?" Danni asks interrupting my thoughts. She and I are riding together and meeting Fatima, Enzo, Karen and Fatima's crew at the airstrip.

"Y'all grown you can do whatever you want. My wife and I have our own plans."

Danni rolls her eyes at me. "First she's not your wife yet. Second let her breathe, Zachary. Stop being so clingy and let the rest of us enjoy her company."

"I'm definitely concerned about the two of you spending time together. It's a disaster waiting to happen."

"You sound worried," She teases.

"I'm not the one who should be worried,"

"Why should I be worried?"

"Not you. Her. I'll be spending our honeymoon, reversing whatever damage you do to my character and my methods won't be very forgiving."

"Barf. I did not need to know that."

"Payback for all the things I know about Enzo that I didn't ask for."

"Whatever." She says rolling her eyes. "Wait, whose jet is this?" she asks as we board the jet on the runway.

"Mrs Taylor's."

"You bought her a jet?"

"It would appear so."

"I thought we spoke about this?"

"We did and I have my reasons for getting it that have nothing to do with trying to win her over. Mind your business."

"Fine. Keep your secrets but balance me real quick cause last time I checked after Deja you swore off love and marriage and now here you are giving ultimatums and buying private jets. What gives?"

"Danni I already told you that's my soulmate."

"And I already told you this ain't the way. What happened to showing her your heart? By the looks of you two the other night that seems to be working so why still go through with the wedding?"

"Danni..." I groan not liking where she's going with this.

"I know, I know, but just hear me out."

Exhaling a sigh, my eyes close briefly. "I'm listening."

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