Similar or opposite

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Friendship story.

No matter how hard he tried he couldn’t sleep at all. That’s why Rahul decided to go and trouble Vi. maybe it was not the only reason he wanted to go into that particular room in the middle of the night. It was already 10:30.

Rohit should be sleeping right now. He just tried his luck.

He entered the room without knocking. They never do anyway. Vi was scrolling through the phone.

"Ohh  Rahuliya what are you doing awake at this time?"

"I couldn’t sleep" Rahul sat beside Virat.

"Then let’s do something I was bored too" Virat suggested as he was bored too

"How comes you are bored where is your other half?"

"Ha ha very funny he went out with Shrey he will  sleep in his room"

"Why didnt you join them?"

"No matter how experienced he is. Ro can handle one brat a time only. And his 'yas' wanted to hanged alone"

"Ohh" Raul just sat like that for few minutes without saying anything. By the look of him Vi knew that something is wrong with his first kiddo

"You know what Rah.  you are just him in a different body

"What? Who?" Rah turned towards Vi

"You know. Rohit"

"What are you talking about?"

"You both suck at hiding your emotions in front of me. your faces are mirroring your emotions" Vi put his arm around Ra's shoulder

"Is that why you love me that much ?" His voice was low

Vi just raised his eyebrow asking what Rahul meant by that

"Me being similar to Rohit. Many says I act like Ro. Is that the reason you love me this much?"

"You are crazy like him too." Vi shook his head

"OK let me ask something else then. Is that why Rohit like 'yas' that much because he resembles of you?"

"Are you telling me that I am a brat too ?" Vi asked playfully.

"You have called yourself a brat few minutes ago"

"What is your real problem Rah. I know something is going on in your little brain. now tell me what is bothering you ?"

"I came before him. Why Ro never show this much affection to me as he shows to Shrey. Yeah I forgot to his 'YAS'."

"Rah that’s not true. He really loves you. Its just you never let others to approach you. May be that’s why he is trying not to get close to you." Vi patted his head gently

"I wish I could be expressive like you"

"When it come to our loved ones even a mute person can express themselves Rah"

"You and Ro are totally opposites. Shrey and Ro are the same. I guess that’s true when people say opposites attracts. " Rah gave a sad smile.

"First of all that is not true every time .Yes opposites attracts they really do. But that's not why We both attracted to you two. If I really want someone opposite of me I would have been dating Rohit for years now"

"I thought that’s why he never shows that worm care towards me like he does for others because I am just him."

Just then Rohit barged in.

"Virat have you.. oh you are here. I was looking for you" Ro saw Rah was also there.

"Why were you looking for me?"

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