17# The Escape

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The party was a drunken madness, everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves but they soon wouldn't due to their huge hangovers the next day. Kitty step by step, her heart beat became faster as she reached for the entrance if the party. As she entered, all eyes were on her. 

"So this is the beautiful pickpocket, oy Victor?" One of the guests asked eyeing her. 

"Your great at your job." Another laughed, Kitty ignored them as she made her way to the bar. This might be harder than she thought. Victor made his way over to her and lifted her chin kissing her. She wanted to pull away very badly, but if she played along, things might be easier for her. 

Victor pulled away, "you look beautiful." He said. "Thank you." She said looking down. Victor thought he now had control over her, but he was wrong. Suddenly, kitty put on a bold seducing face, "shall we dance handsome?" said completely changing her shy voice to her regular self as she ran her paw under his chin. "He wants a seducer, I'll give him one." She thought. 

Kitty had to admit, he was an excellent dancer, still, she was never gonna be with him. Eventually after dancing for a while, they stopped. "Victor, why don't you go get yourself a drink eh? To rest a little." She pecked his cheek as he smiled and walked away. 

It was about 11:00 at night, and Kitty then decided it was time. She made her way to one if the guards as she asked where the bathroom was. As soon as he was distracted, she used her pick pocketing skills to swiftly take the sword out of his belt. As Kitty eneterd the area where the bathrooms were, she remembered something, what about Simon? All locked up in a boiling room, And Dolores? They had to come with her. She didnt want to leave them behind after all they did for her. Suddenly Kitty heard her captives call of her name, there was no time, Kitty heavy heartedly went down the sewage hole and into the deep dark, she ran straight ahead across the damp sewage grounds, it was cold, and the adrenaline entered her veins as kitty pupils shrunk as she just ran for her life. She left all of them, all of the behined her. Just like Puss did. 

Eventually after a couple minutes of running, kitty reached the area that Dolores explained very specifically to her, the whole in the celling, it was somewhat... Beautiful, the moon shines through it as vines hung down the hatch, Kitty jumped through it as she entered the forest, she breathed the clean air, as she happily, full of pride, ran back to which ever way she thought was the Red Hollows village. 

Here we go! Almost done, sorry this one was a bit short. 

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