8# Children

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The red hollows weren't called red for no reason, in the evening's the sky would turn a beautiful red color. And so it did, as now the duo headed closer toward the red hollows, it brought an autum feeling to them as they past orange and red trees that came along their path. 

"Oy were almost there." Sherman said softly as the others awoke from their sleep looking around.

"Recognize anything? " Sherman said smirking as he pulled his reigns of the horse to the front porch of a cozy looking house.

"You bet. " puss said smiling as the got off the cart. 

"Welcome to my house everyone! I know it has been along time my friend Puss, but you will be surprised when you see that not much as changed. " 

Sherman opened the door to this little cottage as it rained kittens out the door, Puss laughed surprised at this jump scare as Sherman fell to the ground with an expression of worry on his face. "Ninos!" Sherman exclaimed out of breath a s they giggled and jumped on him. 

"I Didn't know you had kids!" Puss exclaimed excitedly. 

"There so adorableble!" Perrito said wagging his tail. 

Sherman dusted himself off as he chuckled and picked up the youngest two kittens.  " it's quite a tale, it's a shame my love passed. " Sherman said looking down as Puss put a hand on his shoulder. 

"Well, at least you have many lovely kittens to cheer you up. " Puss said smiling as he wrapped his arm around kitty winning as his eyes dart back and fourth to the kittens and then her. 

"Slow down Mr frisky. " She said smirking, as Sherman laughed. 

"We should probably get a hotel" Puss pointed out. 

"A hotel?! You guys HAVE to stay here, I haven't had company in ages." Sherman practically begged, 

"I would love to stay here Puss please?!" Perrito said. 

"When can I ever say no to you?" Puss smiled as the duo AND litter of kittens went inside. 


"So there new born?" Asked Puss as he held them in his paws. 

"Yes, some are only a couple months." Sherman said as he fondly held his oldest baby, Alejandro. 

"Wow, they must have missed their mother." Puss said withbuis ears down.

"Most of them are too young, they don't remember her." He said sadly. 

"What was she like?" 

"Ahhh, she had beautiful white fur and blue eyes, she was a kind one too." He said smiling. 

"And her name?" Asked Puss, 

"Dulceinea" Sherman said waving his fingers to his kitten. 

"WHA- WAIT NO." Puss was shocked, 

"What is it?" Asked Sherman.

"N-nothing." Puss said his face still full of shock. 

"How did she die?! " Puss asked wanting to know more. 

"Mi amigo, I-I don't really want to talk about it, it was my fault." Sherman said his voice cracking. 

"I sorry my friend," Puss said as he hugged him. 

"Kitty come on, you have to say at least their cute." Puss said grinning holding one up to her as she put her paws up in defense. 

"Sure sure.... But I know what you're trying to say." kitty said annoyed. 

Puss just laughed and kissed her cheek as she giggled. 

Everything seemed perfect as thy gathered around th fire place for the night in Sherman's warm cottage, every little kitten piled up in one corner, there were fourteen of them in all. Sherman even played the violin which was a pleasant surprise to all of them. 

What they didn't know is that trouble was following them. Deep deep..... 


Well here we go! Interesting? 

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