10# A New Plan

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Kitty decided to stay quiet the whole way to... Wherever they were taking her,  She had never  been to the red hollows, but she knew one thing, she wasn't giving up. 

She would find a way to escape and then find away back too.... Wherever.  Kitty then admitted to herself that she had no idea what she was going to do, all she knew was that she was very confused on what just happened, what else was Puss hiding from her? She wondered. She felt somewhat betrayed, what other huge mistake did he make in his past lives?

As Kitty stared far off into the distance she gulped hoping nothing to bad would happen. "Hey! For you poster, you don't seem to fierce!" one of them mocked. As much as kitty wanted to tear him apart, she didn't. "Hey, can't you see? She going through the thought process of how to escape, although she won't cand can't!" Another said laughing. 

Victor to Kitty's surprise was also mature enough to be quiet sitting by her side just staring at her with a satisfied look. Kitty felt stupid, why did she let herself get here! She should've held onto her sword tighter! She also felt awkward that he was just there... Even though they were major enemies... At least she thought he was. 

"Hmm, you are not much different than your boyfriend." Victor finally spoke. Kitty groaned inside, she didn't want to have to start a awkward conversation. "You are quiet, thinking... About how you got yourself into this situation." he said smirking lifting her chin so she made eye contact with him. Kitty then swated his paw away and hissed. "I didn't." she said quietly surprised he could read her that easily. "There's that fiesty side we were waiting for." he grinned. 

"And your absolutely right, your boyfriend got you into this... Which goes to show how he doesn't care about any of you." Victor said this time seriously. 

Kitty practically died inside, she knew what he was trying to do, she remained quiet, "You are blind darling, why cant you see? He's been hiding everything from you, even the relationship he's in right now that is not you." Victor said putting his arm on her shoulder. Kitty was shocked at his last words, she had to speak. "What relationship?!? You are lying!!" she said angry as she shoved him away. Victor only put on a look of sympathy and said "Let him go, he's not worth your tears." He said cupping her face. Kitty then realized she was on the verge of tears as she pushed his paw away. She felt as if what he speaked were true.... Yet again she didn't know what to think at all in the moment. 

Kitty's mind then shifted back to how she would escape as the wagons arrived to a town of cats, she know knew why it was called the "Red Hollows" the sunsets were very red. 


Puss still angry, worried, and at least relieved that Perrito was not taken AGAIN like their last adventure. As the wagon stopped at Sherman's cottage, Perrito was trying to comfort Puss. 

Sherman got off the wagon letting them off. "Puss, please, I'm sorry, I should've known, I'll do whatever it takes to help get her back." Sherman said with ears low. The last part made Puss feel better. "I forgive you amigo, I will do the same." Puss said still looking down as Sherman put a paw on his shoulder looking at him with a sweet look in his eyes. 

"Count me in! " Perrito said saluting the two felines. 

I know I know... You all are still wondering what does Puss owe Victor!? Don't worry you find out in the next chapter or so, followed by more of kitty and Victor's strange frienamie activity!

If you have any oneshot requests let me know! I can also write them in Spanish!                                    Si tienes alguna solicitud única, ¡házmelo saber! ¡También puedo escribirlos en español!

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