12# More Plans

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Puss awoke to the blinding light of day entering his tried eyes. He couldn't sleep very much the previous night. He kept worrying about Kitty, was she okay? He hoped so. 

The rest of the clan were fast asleep in the wagon which was stopped on a hill. 

"Sherm wake up," Puss said whispering as he pushed him a little. "Sleeeepppyyyyyy...." He groaned. "Common Sherman this is important!" Puss said a little louder this time. 

"Okay, I'm up." He said sitting. "Perrito you too!" Puss said as he heard a cheery voice. 

"I'm already up!" Said Perrito cheerfully enjoying the view in the front of the wagon. "Therapy dogs are early risers!" He said smiling. Puss rolled his eyes but smiled.

"Let's talk more about our plan." Sherman said getting back on track. 

"Okay, so guys here's the deal," Puss started, he had worked on this all night. "Sherman, you and I are going to basically break into Victor's hideout which is in the middle of sapphire street, it's the one next to the big house right here." Puss said pointing to it on his map. 

"We get in there without getting caught and hide there for about five minutes, Victor always holds big parties in his lower basement, so it is most likely that his men will be there too. If we do, we can burst out of hideing and ambush them when they are all drunk." Puss said with unwavering determination. 

"Good idea, they most likely won't be armed." Said Sherman grinning. 

"What about me? " Asked Perrito driving the wagon. 

"Ahh yes, and you Perrito are going to do one of the most important parts." Said Puss rubbing his head. 

"I want you to use the great sense of smell of yours and find kitty, make sure she is there and wait for us, okay?" 

"Got it!" Perrito said saluting him. 

"Let's hope this works," Puss said with pain expressed on his face, 

"I can't bear to lose her again." 

"Well get her back." Sherman said encouraging him. 


Meanwhile, Kitty was getting more used to waking up in a locked room with no windows, she felt so helpless, she could try to escape, but something told her it would be harder than she thought.  In the last couple days, Victor began to trust her a little more to be able to wander around the hideout. It was more like a building actually, it was there where she met a woman. 

"Ahhh, Ms softpaws, I hear you're our new captive." She said smiling in the buildings kitchen. Kitty's head whipped around for who's voice spoke to her. 

"What?" She asked, she felt weird talking casually to her kidnappers. 

"You know, we've taken ones captive before." She said sadly. 

Kitty was interested, "what happened to them?" She asked. 

"They escaped." The woman said now smiling. 

"How?!?" If they escaped so could she! 

"I helped them." The woman said chuckling. Kitty was dumbfounded. "Yer old Victor ain't doing the right thing here, he's got ta let go of he's past!" She said keeping his voice down. 

Suddenly the door burst open for both females to see Victor walking in. 

"Hey, a see you found our maid." Victor said winking at her. 

'He was always a flirt.' Kitty thought. "Hey beautiful" He said still a little drunk, "me and my men usually hold big fiestas in the basement, you ah are welcome to come if you'd like?" He asked eyed her seductively.

Kitty looked at him but nearly glared and said. 

"I don't know what trick you are trying to play but I'm not going." She said firmly. "Common senorita, stop clinging to that Puss in Boots, realize that he won't be coming for you, he doesn't love you, he's with another." He said coming closer. 

"That's not true!" Kitty said getting tired of him. "Come on Kitty-" Victor got closer to her face as he gently grabbed her chin. kitty had enough and kicked him in the gut and took off running. Grunting, Victor called his men to catch her, Kitty ran all the way down the halls as she now knew how to navigate the home since she has been a round for a while. She knew all the doors were locked, but she did see a window up in the celling. Knowing it was s risky considering and the fact that she didn't have any claws, AND she didn't have much time, she ran up the walls and just in enough amount of reach she caught the handle for the roofs hatch, but of course just at the moment the guards (or Victors men) burst in the door. Kitty remembering her skill did a backflip into the hatch. When she did, she found herself in an upper attic with... 

An open window... 

Here we go! A cliff hanger! Enjoy! 

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