#6 Robbed and Reunited

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"uuughhhh" Puss turned in his sleep as wondered why it was so cold, he opened his eyes and to his suprise the fire was out, not wanting to catch a cold, he got up ever so quietly trying to not wake the others, to get matches from the wagon. And just as Puss lit a lantern to look for them...

"WHO ARE YOU AND WHY ARE YOU HERE!" Puss shouted as he saw multiple bandits grabbing things. Puss reached for his sword realizing it wasn't there, and he froze, 

"Pus-" Kitty stirred as bandits grabbed her from behind as well as Perrito. "Kitty who jumped confused and scared on what was going on. "Kitty reached for her knife that was hidden in her belt as one of them snatched it and held his sword to her neck. "Ahh I don't think I would do that if I were you gatita." One of them sneered and licked her ear just to provoke her position. as she hissed but he held the blade higher to her neck. "DON"T TOUCH HER AND LEAVE MY FRIEND ALONE!" Puss said angrily, as the bandits nearly smirked and tied each of them up. "WHAT DO YOU WANT YOU EVIL DIABLO GATOS!" Shouted Puss as the leader of them cut his arm as he winced. "You must be stupid to think the out lands of Puritans Pride is a good place to camp." He laughed. And then cut Perrito on his paw as he whined, making Puss even more infuriated.
"We are new here." Kitty spoke sternly trying not to show any fear or vulnerability, as one of them smirked and walked up to her,

"You look familiar..." He said as he pointed the blade of his sword beneath her chin lifting her Icy blue gaze higher. "Ah yes! Kitty Softpaws, big fan." He smirked as the others looked up. "Yes, the one and only, and senor..." Kitty batted are eyes changing her tone into her seductive manipulating Latin voice. "If you let us go...I can tell of many treasures you can find to steal, and I mean a LOT of gold." She said using her loose tail to rub against him. Puss, smirking, knew what she was up to, and not having to hesitate any longer started using his claws to try and untie himself as Kitty stalled them.

"Ha...you think I am stupid don't you senorita, If you knew of gold, you would have already gotten it." He said with a dangerous smile on his unmasked face. Puss starting to stress and tried to cut faster making eye contact with where the bandits held there weapons in a sack, they were smarter than he thought "Besides I think I have plenty of treasure right her in front of me..." He said seductively as he closed in the gap between them kissing her as kitty tried to kick him. 

After seeing that, Puss had had enough, he finally released himself and unleashed his claws charging against him knocking him to the ground. "Puss NO! there is to many of them!" Kitty shouted worried as they fought cat to cat hissing and clawing as the rest also attacked when suddenly another figure shouted from far away. "HEY LEAVE THEM ALONE!" the figure said with a rare southern accent as he charged against them with his sword cutting Kitty and Perrito's ropes. They grabbed their weapons and started a cat war. 

Even though all three amigos were greatly confused on who the heck this cat was, the didn't have time for that yet as they chased every bandit out of their camp leaving no stolen loot left with them. Panting, the mysterious cat took his hood off revealing himself as a white cat with some brown spots and green eyes. "SHERMAN!!" Puss exclaimed happily as he embraced his old friend, both tiredly laughing with the two others still greatly confused. "I-I thought I would never see you again! Or-or at least until I reached the red hollows, I would still have a hard time looking for you!" Puss wheezed happily. "No mi amigo! I am out here to help a friend of mine move in to a new house, that is until I saw what kind of trouble you got yourself into again." He chuckled but the last part groaning. "Who would ever camp in the lands of Puritans Pride?" Sherman said shaking his head. "Okay! Okay! I get it!" Puss said annoyed but still amused.

"Can somebody please make some sense around here?!" Kitty said exasperatedly snapping both out of their gaze. "Oh I'm so sorry Kitty are you okay?" Asked Puss coming back to realization. 

"Not me! YOU!" She said pointing to his bleeding arm and Perrito's cut paw. "OH! Yes!" Puss said snapping back into anger again as he grabbed Kitty and Kissed her passionately, as he let her go, she stood there with her cheeks bright red that you could see through her fur, utterly confused and embarrassed that he did that in front of this new stranger, she asked "Wha-"

"Only I am allowed to do that, and apparently I didn't make that clear enough to senor bandit a couple minutes ago, Puss said stubbornly crossing his arms, as Sherman burst out into laughter.

"Why don't I give you all a ride in your wagon back to the Red hollows and we'll fix ya'll up." He said kindly, as Team Friendship gladly agreed.

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