13# Still Vulnerable

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Kitty saw the window, it was there, she could jump out of it. She thought for a moment that it couldn't be that easy. But at the same time it was right there infront of her, right then and there she jumped but just as she saw the sky, she realized that there was no where to land. 

And suddenly, she was roughly pulled back inside by one of Victors men. They tumbled to the ground and she landed on top of him. All she could hear was him groaning as she did the same getting off of him. "Uuughhhh" He said as Kitty realized he was unconscious, she also realized that he was just a teenager. "what was this teen doing working for a dangerous man like Victor???" She thought. She felt bad, he basically saved her life when he pulled her down, "she couldn't leave him like this. She had to take him back in which meant taking herself back in." Kitty thought again groaning inside. 

Victors men finally came in and surrounded her as she ignored them and got the young gato on her back as she got him down. 

"You-" Victor stared confused, "I thought you escaped!" He said dumbfounded. Kitty ignored him and simply said. "He's unconscious, common, is there a doctor around?" 


"Ughhh..." The young cat named Simon opened his eyes to find that he was in bed, he put his hands to the sides of his head because it hurt.

"Hey, you saved my life." Kitty said quietly letting his head. "You- I remember now, you were about to jump, I had to do something, I know you probably want to kill yourself about now, but I'm telling you, don't give up hope!" The cat said which confused her. 

Victor on the other hand stood at the door making sure they didn't do anything crazy, felt sympathy for the first time in a long time, he saw his affectionate she was with him, and he knew she would be good with kids, that made him want her even more. 

"He ah probably was hit on the head pretty hard." Victor said stepping in as she held her paw up.  "I think I can take from here." She said glaring

"No. I want to make sure you don't do anything." He said stepping closer to her. Simon looked at Victor with worry and then back at Kitty. "Whatever you do don't fall for his charms! You'll never leave!" He whispered to her. She smiled and then turned to Victor and said."don't worry I'm already taken." and smirked at him. 

A few hours later Kitty wanted to go check on Simon but she found the doors locked. Of course they wouldnt let her out, after she tried to escape. But maybe she could seduce one into letting her. She was disgusted, but she wanted to back to Simon, so she was up for the challenge. 

"Hola handsome~" She said as she came closer too the door which was blocked by a guard. The gato turned around surprised at this beautiful captive. "Would you ahm be kind enough to let me stretch my legs ey?" She said eyeing him trying not to vomit. 

"Oh um I would love to, but em, I would probably get into trouble." He said bouncing his eyebrows. 

"Oh common, I'll take the blame."  she said blowing him a kiss. Lovestruck, the gato let her out slowly as she pecked his cheek and went off. He just started at her dreamily as she disapeard down the hall. 

Finally, after wandering for a while, she found his room and entered it. To her horror he had a black eye and he was bruised all over. 

"Simon! Nino what happened?!" She said running to his side. He struggled to speak but when he did, Kitty would never see the man the same way ever again. 

Another cliff hanger?? To much? Lol I'll literally be working on the next one right after I publish this, so it should be out tonight, enjoy! 

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