Chapter 26

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Y/n's POV

You woke up in the same cave and your body felt a wave of energy lift you up. Your eyes glowed a purple colour as you muttered a spell that suddenly came to mind. A fireball formed in your hand and you threw it at Felia. She screamed in pain when it burnt her hand to a crisp, making her drop the sword.

She turned to you, watching you slowly get up and clutch the wound on your waist in anger and horror. Draco helped you up and watched you send multiple fireballs at her. You grabbed your sword, hand covered in blood and impaled her through the chest when she least expected it.
The sound of flesh squishing was heard as you pulled the sword out and watched her corpse fall.

Your gaze then turned to Pansy. Adrenaline made you forget about the pain and you walked over. She tried to run away but you grabbed her hair, pulling her back, and you impaled the sword through her head.
You whispered in her ear,
" I told you I'd do it,"

Then her corpse dropped beside Felia. Adrenaline disappeared, leaving you with a feeling of exhaustion. You dropped the sword and fell into Draco's arms, letting him sob silently into your shoulder. He ripped some material of his clothes and wrapped it around your waist, tightening it to keep the blood from flowing.

He picked you up and carried you outside. Ron and Harry ran over, alarmed and almost panicking. Your dragons smelt blood, your blood, and came flying over and landed on the ground. They sniffed your body and roared in pain, as they quickly climbed onto them.

Draco informed, keeping your body close,
" We need to get her to Hagrid,"

The dragons must have understood because they wasted no time to fly you over to his hut. Throughout the flight, Draco kept whispering to you that you'd be alright, but you knew that it was to convince himself.

After a few minutes, they landed in front of his hut and rushed you in. Before Hagrid had the chance to question, he grabbed your limp body and placed you on the table. He tended your wound and let out a sigh,
" She'll be alright. She just needs rest",

Draco let out a sigh of relief and sat beside your unconscious body on the couch, pulling you close. He heard you breathing steadily and he was so glad that you were alright.

Hermione came in holding Raven, worried,
" We came as fast as we could. Is she alright?"

Ron walked over and kissed her temple and nodded. Bran was still at the manor, getting rest because he was tired from leading people everywhere with his crows. Rhaya walked over to her Mother and placed her hand on your chest, feeling your heartbeat,
" Mama is going to be okay,"


A few hours later, you woke up to find yourself led on Draco's lap with the rest of your body on the couch. You winced at the stitched wound on your waist, your movement waking up Draco.
He kissed you straight on the lips and then your cheek,
" You scared me, badly you know,"

You sent him a small smile and watched as he placed Raven on your chest. She lifted her head, but only for a few seconds since shes not strong enough. Bran came in the room on his wheelchair, telling you that Harry and Ron went back to come and get him.

Bran saw the faint green glow on your wrist,
" It's time to go back. You sure you want to come, Malfoy?"

Draco nodded instantly and held your hand. You looked over at Hermione and your other two friends and thanked them. They just sent you a kind smile and watched as the green light surrounded all of you, with the dragons outside also.


You all got up to see that you were in your palace in King's Landing. Your daughters were in your arms and Bran and Draco were sat beside each other in front of you, confused. Your dragons roared outside and flew away from the castle, missing the warm weather.

The guards ran in with Tyrion and they helped you all up. Tyrion glanced at the baby princess then at Bran,
" You're back. Thank the gods,"

Rhaya ran over to Tyrion and hugged him. She was almost the same height as him so it wasn't hard for her,
" What happened with the attack?"

Tyrion smiled at the little girl,
" We got help,"

With that the doors opened and Sansa and Arya came walking in. You got up, ignoring the wound on your waist and hugged them both with one arm, being careful of Raven. She was awake, but chewing her small hand with her gums. Sansa sent you a kind smile then glanced at Raven.
You placed her in Sansa's arms since she hasn't held her yet.

Arya grinned,
" Another person to teach how to use knives!"

You sent her a look,
" We need to talk about that,"

She sent you a small grin.

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