Chapter 5

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Movie: Goblet of Fire

Movie: Goblet of Fire

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Y/n's POV

It's been a year since you started Hogwarts and it has been interesting to say the least. You've learnt more about their living style and their potions. However, your dragons are no fully grown. They don't even fit in the hut anymore and it's hard to cuddle with them both at the same time. It's getting harder and harder to hide them from Hogwarts and Dumbledore states that your secret with them might have to go soon.

Everyone was gathered in the hall with the goblet of fire, and you found it weird how it was blue. The fire picked out Fleur, Victor and Cedric.
When they expected it to finish, two more names had been shot out of the flames. Everyone whispered to each other at who the name would be since only 1 from each school can be selected.

Dumbledore read out loud,
" Harry Potter and Y/n Targaryen,"

All eyes were on you two whilst you both looked at each other, confused. Hermione pushed you both to retrieve your name, ignoring all the judgemental stares.


You and Harry had to be put with the other chosen contestants in a separate room. Dumbledore ran over to Harry and violently shook his shoulders,
" Did you put your name in the goblet off fire?!"

" No!"

He then turned to you and you just shook your head. He let out a heavy sigh and nodded, trusting you since you don't have full knowledge of the tradition. Cedric chuckled, looking at you with his arms crossed with a small smirk on his face,
" At least we have another cutie in the group,"


Meanwhile with Daenerys

She traced the same mark that was on your wrist in the book she had searched months for. It was thick and a dark red She read it out loud,
" This mark is a curse of worlds. Whoever claims this mark has the ability to travel to another realm, if handled correctly. If not, then their soul will be lost for eternity,"

She slammed the book in worry and got up. She has been searching for you for a year. Daenerys has gained allies from houses and now stays in the Iron Islands. Her dragons are fully grown and even have met Jon Snow.

She went to a few men in her army,
" I have a task for you. A mission. Capture a witch from somewhere. I don't care where, just get a witch. Then bring her to me alive,"

They nodded and walked down to the beach to set off from the Islands. Jon walked up to the pale haired woman,
" You say she randomly disappeared with her baby dragons a year ago?"

" Yes. And I'm going to find her,"


You were walking down to Hagrid's hut until Draco and his friends appeared out of nowhere.
You gulped nervously but didn't let them intimidate you. If was Daenerys, she would burn them alive, but you couldn't do that. They laughed with each other as Malfoy stepped forward,
" You think you're amazing aren't you for putting your name in the Goblet for Fire? "

" I didn't -,"

You were interrupted when he pushed you to the floor, scattering your books everywhere. Pansy, one of his friends laughed and grabbed your hair, making you wince a little from the tug,
" She thinks she's so pretty with her unique hair and eyes,"

You slapped her hand away, glaring daggers at her but with a fake smile,
" Honey, I know I'm prettier than you,"

She was about to slap you from hatred but two loud screeches filled the air. The wind increased drastically as they all stepped back whilst looking in the air in fear. Fear for their life. Rhaenyra and Viserys landed beside you. They glared at them to make another move, their teeth as sharp as knives. Not to mention they were a lot taller than you now.

You stroked their scaly neck whilst calming them down,
" Gīda ilagon, nyke'm alright. Pōnta're daor threats, sepār fools ( Calm down. It's alright. They're not threats, just fools ),"

They seemed to calm down at your words but they didn't stop glaring. Draco yelled, his hair messy from the strong winds. You didn't fail to notice the slight crack in his voice,
" You're crazy!"

" Next time I'll make sure they burn you all to the ground,"

They all ran away in fear. You just laughed hysterically at their reactions, not even caring that they know. You turned to your dragons after calming down,
" Let's go back, shall we?"
They let out a low screech and arose back in the air, their large wings making your hair all messy. They flew above you as you walked back to Hagrid's hut.

They disappeared within the woods when you walked in, only to have a book placed in front of you.
" You will need a bit of help with the first task. You have to go against a dragon but one that isn't your own. This is a book of all the knowledge about them. Learn it before tomorrow,"

You nodded and grabbed the book before thinking for a moment. This dragon will have fire and you're not risking being naked when it comes to the flames. You asked,
" Do you think I can get some fire proof clothes tomorrow?"

" I will see,"

You thanked him and went back to your room. The sound of Viserys and Rhaenyra falling asleep outside your door brought a smile to your face. You got changed into some pyjamas and fell asleep, the sound of them breathing calmed you.

The Curse - Hp x GOT ( Draco x fem reader ) Where stories live. Discover now