Chapter 12

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Y/n's POV

Everyone was silent for a few moments and before anyone could turn around to go back in Hogwarts, a bright green light emerged above them. The wind increased its pace whilst Rhaenyra placed her wing behind you to stop you from blowing away. You looked up to see it had covered the entire sky and the sound of a dragon roar was heard, then it vanished.

The green light disappeared and you almost choked on your sobs when you saw who was on the ground in front of you. Daenerys got up from the grass and met your gaze. You didn't hesitate to jump into her arms, hugging her tightly. She sighed in relief and returned it.
" You're safe, thank the gods, you're safe,"
She muttered softly in the hug.

Drogon sat beside her, who seemed to come through the portal with her. Daenerys pulled away then looked at everyone then back at you,
" We need to go. The White Walkers will be arriving at Winterfell tomorrow night. We need all the dragons we can get,"

You nodded but then responded, confused and worried,
" I don't know how to get back. Not to mention I have a boyfriend here, I can't just leave him,"

You both turned to Draco, who walked towards you and interlocked your hands with his. You could tell by the worried look in his gaze and how tightly he held your hand that he didn't want you to leave. Daenerys narrowed her eyes at him suspiciously but sent him a small smile nonetheless.

Daenerys sighed,
" The problem was that you can only use the curse twice. You've already used it once by accident and this time you will use it to come back,"

A nervous pit formed in your stomach from the words and explanation, not even realising you were squeezing Draco's hand. You glanced at him worriedly, then back at your Auntie,
" So I have to decide my world over this one?"

She just nodded as you thought deeply. Dumbledore made all the students go back into Hogwarts to give you both some privacy. This was a hard decision. As much as you loved your world, you loved this one to. You have a boyfriend and have made friends, but they also don't understand what it means to be a Targaryen.

You looked at Draco, who shook his head from just reading your expression of thoughts,
" No, you can't leave, you - you don't understand. You're the only one that truly cares for me,"

Daenerys opened the same portal but this time it was on the ground. All of her dragons flew through without hesitation, including yours. So you turned to fully face him and cupped his cheeks, ignoring the burning in your throat,
" I promise I'll find my way back. Promise to wait for me, alright?"

A single tear dropped from his eye and rolled down his cheeks. He just nodded and pulled you into a passionate kiss then watched you disappear within the portal with your Aunt. Then the portal disappeared like nothing had happened.


You walked out of the portal to see that you were in Winterfell with Daenery's army marching through. Your dragons flew over you with hers and it felt good to be back home. You got on Daenery's horse and sat in front of her as you walked beside Jon Snow.

He looked at you, sending you a small smile,
" You must be Y/n Targaryen. It's nice to finally meet you in person,"

You just sent him a small nod and looked forward. The people of Winterfell sent you both suspicious looks, some even full of hatred. Until the dragons let out a screech and flew over them. Everyone either ran or covered their heads, expecting an attack. Daenerys smirked proudly as you got closer to the entrance of the stoned building.

When you walked through the gates, Jon saw his younger brother and went over to him eagerly. He kissed him on the forehead and smiled at him warmly. Bran then turned his attention to you with no emotion as you got off your horse. You caught his gaze and gulped nervously.

Jon hugged Sansa and signalled you both to walk over. Jon introduced,
" May I present Daenerys and Y/n Stormborn of house Targaryen,"

You have never met the Starks so it felt awkward meeting them in person, so you sent them a small wave with a nervous smile. Daenerys smiled kindly at the auburn haired girl, who clearly didn't look pleased for you both to be here,
" The North is as beautiful as your brother claimed. As are you,"

" Winterfell is yours, your grace",

Bran wheeled his chair closer to you,
" I see you finally made it. You haven't been pushing your limits with your warging, have you?"

You shook your head, noticing the confused look from his older brother and sister. Bran explained to them the dream warging stuff and it made their heads explode from confusion, but didn't question. Everyone headed into the main hall for a meeting and you pushed his chair forward, following the rest of the people.

You and Daenerys sat at the large table, with you next to Bran. Sansa called on a little lord and he bowed in respect,
" We need more horses and wagons, if it's pleased my lady... and my lord... and my Queen,"
He mumbled an apology as Daenerys sent him a surprised but grateful look. Sansa agreed with his request and watched him walk out to go back to his people.

Lyanna, a young teenager stood up, who was the lady of Bear Island. She had a go at Jon for choosing the safety of Winterfell over the title of being name King of the North. Luckily, Tyrion Lannaster defended him.

After the meeting, you were requested by Sansa to take Bran to his room, so you did. You placed him by the fire and realised this was the room you first met him from another realm. You were about to leave but he grabbed your wrist, stopping you from going any further.

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