Chapter 4

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Y/n's POV

The next day, you got ready for your first day off school. The uniform hugged your curves perfectly and your hair was left down since you missed Daenerys doing your hair. Viserys and Rhaenyra looked at you, wondering where you were going.
You knew that they had to get used to you leaving, so you left the door open in your room that led outside.

You petted them one last time before going out and walking towards Hogwarts. When you arrived, everyone talked about you behind their back, but you didn't care. You were a Targaryen, why would you?

Luckily, everyone here was around your age so you weren't an outcast with age. You were about to walk into class but a few people stopped you. It was a blonde dude with two of his friends and a brunette girl beside him.

He scoffed with an arrogant smirk,
" And what's a mud blood doing in this school? Surely you should know where you are meant to be, filthy mud blood,"

His friends laughed with him and your usual smile faded instantly. You glared daggers at them, making their smile slowly drop and before you could speak, three people came up and defended you.

A girl spoke with venom,
" Leave her alone, Malfoy,"

Malfoy just rolled his eyes and walked into class, leaving you alone. The female had light brown hair that was quite fuzzy, but it was styled nicely. She had a two guys on each side of her, one was ginger and the other had circular glasses.

She sent you a kind smile,
" Sorry about him. He's the brat of the school,"

You returned the smile as you walked into Professor Lupin's class, saying it was alright.
You looked around his class, confused at to why there was no tables. The only thing present was a large, old looking cubhoard.

Everyone listened to him,
" I want you to thing of something you fear the most and turn it into something, funny,"

Everyone lines up excitedly and each student went one by one. One male student was even scared of Professor Snape, and people laughed when he was suddenly placed into something funny. Ron was scared of Spiders and one was scared of clowns.

Then it was your turn.

You knew what you feared and it made you worry about everyone else seeing. The supernatural creature began to change before it stopped and your body froze in fear. It was the night king. His piercing blue gaze stared into your lilac ones. An image appeared behind him to see all of the army of the undead behind him, waiting to pounce in the snow .

Everyone glanced at each other, confused and almost nervous from what it was. You couldn't take it anymore and stormed out of the classroom, the yelling of the Professor echoing through the corridor.

You walked into the girl's bathroom and looked at yourself in the mirror. You didn't realise that a few tears had formed. When you washed your face with water, dried it and walked out, Professor Mcgonagall walked over,
" I heard what happened and your dragons are sensing your fear. You need to calm them down,"

Nodding, you ran out of Hogwarts and towards the hut to see Hagrid trying to calm them down, but they kept on screeching in protest. When they saw you they flew over and you calmed them by just touching their hands gently.

Hagrid sighed in relief," Remind me to never put you in his class again,"

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Hagrid sighed in relief,
" Remind me to never put you in his class again,"

In honesty, seeing Viserys and Rhaenyra calmed you down slightly from the sight of the white walkers. You looked up at Hagrid,
" I don't want to go back to class. I'll go next lesson",

He just nodded and left you be. When you calmed down with your dragons, you eased their worry for you and went back. When you stepped into the corridors, your new friends, Hermione, Ron and Harry bombarded you with questions.

She asked,
" Are you alright? What were they?"

Before you could respond or even think of one, Ron nudged her gently in the arm,
" I think it's best if we don't remind her of her fear? I hate being reminded of spiders constantly,"

You smiled at him and walked beside them. You made great friends that day and it was amazing throughout the entire year. What didn't change though was the fact that Draco still constantly tried to make up lame insults about you, but you didn't care.

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