Chapter 19

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Y/n's POV

He had grown since you last saw him and it made your heart tingle and warm up. His hair was longer and was styled smartly and his jawline had become more firm. Yet he still had the same, beautiful ocean eyes that you always found yourself lost in.

He glanced at Raven, confused and looked slightly hurt at the sight then gulped nervously. You stepped forward but he only stepped back. Your smile fell in shame and your heart rate began to slowly increase from worry. He broke the silence and tension, his voice almost cracking,
" It's been two fucking years Y/n, and you come back with a baby?"
You wondered how he knew it was yours until you realised your baby bump was still visible, but it had gone down quite a lot.

You failed to notice a tear began to form in your eye from the sudden anger and pain in his voice. How could you blame him though? His girlfriend disappeared for two years and came back with a child. You looked down in shame,
" I had to have her for my sake. I'm a Queen now, and the kingdoms wanted an heir,"

He was about to speak but you interrupted and took another step,
" However she's still my daughter, whether I was ready to be a Mother or not. So you can not talk to me anymore and that's fine with me, even though it hurts, I won't let you ruin my new relationship with my daughter,"

He let out a low chuckle,
" I wasn't expecting you too,"

He walked forward and pulled you into a tight embrace. You hugged back, being careful of Raven and you let out a few tears escape from both relief and happiness. He pulled away and cupped your cheeks, wiping them away,
" You're still as beautiful as the day we met,"

Your cheeks went warm at the compliment and thanked him, but the moment was ruined when the door opened wider. Your eyes widened slightly at the sight of Pansy glancing at the both of you. Draco stood away from you immediately and looked down at the floor in guilt.

She walked forward and hugged Draco's arm, glaring at you,
" I see she's back, isn't she, babe?"

Your dragons growled at her presence, remembering her from a while ago. You held your hand up to them and they stopped from your signal. Rhaya slid down their wing cheerfully as Bran did the same but with help from the 5 year old.

Rhaya ran over to you and hugged your leg, looking up at the two,
" Mother, is this the Malgoy guy?"

Pansy scoffed,
" I see the whore as finally looked up to her nickname,"

Your smile faded from the insult and sent her a glare, especially when she uses that language in front of your kids. Draco sent Pansy the same glare, telling her to back off, and she did with another scoff. You stated,
" She isn't my biological daughter. I saved her and raised her. Besides, at least I got more action than you, sweetie,"

Her smirk fell and Draco almost laughed from your words, knowing that you were right. You walked over to Bran and thought for a moment then turning back to Draco,
" Do you have a chair that moves? Or a barrel?"

They glanced at Bran and Draco grabbed the barrel from the garden, which they apparently haven't used in a while. You placed a blanket down and a pillow on and then helped Bran on it. He thanked you nonetheless. Draco asked with a hint of jealousy within his voice, that you couldn't ignore,
" Who even is this guy?"

" He's the Father of my child,"

This just made Draco stare at him for a few minutes and eventually, they let us all in. Even though Pansy disagreed with this, in the end it wasn't her residence. You sat on the couch and placed Bran beside you as the maid brought some food and cups of tea in.

Then the sound of crying began to appear from your sling. You picked Raven up and placed a blanket over your shoulder as you unfastened the strap of your dress and began to breast feed her, stopping her from crying almost instantly.

Rhaya poked your knee,
" Mama, can I go and play with their doggy?"

You glanced over at the adorable little Pomeranian and nodded, she giggled and ran over to it and played with it. Draco sipped his tea, wanting to start a situation,
" How did you two meet?"

You glanced down at Raven for a moment and chuckled,
" I guess I never really explained the rules of my world, have I?"

He shook his head and listened to every word you had to say. He was surprised how different your world was from him and understood more on why you were pressured to have a child. You stopped Raven from having any more since she was falling asleep once again and placed your strap back over your shoulder before placing her over your shoulder and burping her.

You sent him a smile whilst glancing at Bran,
" I and Bran became King and Queen of the 6 Kingdoms and his older sister, Sansa, became Queen of the North,"

Draco sent a surprised look and glanced at the crown on your head and Pansy sent a jealous look, from how powerful you truly have become.
Draco looked at Raven,
" So I guess she's now the Princess of the 6 kingdoms?"

You nodded and heard her let out a cute burp.
You stood up with her and let Draco hold her carefully, since he was looking as if he wanted to ask that for a while. He held her as if she was his and analysed her features. He commented,
" She has your face, "

You laughed,
" Bran said the exact same thing,"

Draco suggested after a moment of silence of looking at her,
" You can stay for however long you want. We have spare bedrooms,"

The only thing you didn't know was that his first thought of you caring for your baby was,
' I wish she were mine'

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