Chapter 18

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Y/n's POV

That night, you were awoken to the palace guards storming into your room. You shot up in fright and worry and heard the sound of people fighting outside. Instantly, you grabbed Raven and Rhaya, who were sleeping at the other side of the room and helped Bran into his chair.

You asked,
" What's going on?"

One of the guards exclaimed,
" It seems that Cercei still has followers and don't agree with you both ruling. You're surrounded,"

The sound of your dragons appeared on the balcony and they were your only escape. Bran quickly helped you place Raven in your sling, strapping her comfortably against your chest and guided Rhaya on Viserys. Then with all your strength, you lifted Bran on him and held him tightly, making sure he doesn't fall.

Rhaya clung to your back as both dragons set off, and when you looked back, there were a few masked people attacking the palace guards.
Then some began to shoot arrows in your direction. You clung to Bran tightly and hoped they didn't shoot or land on one of you.

Suddenly, the same bright green light that hadn't showed up for months appeared and your eyes turned a bright, glowing green for a split second. Then once again, you were all sucked into a portal.


Your dragons landed on the same grass you remember so clearly from months ago. You got off your dragons and helped Rhaya down then Bran. You sat him on the floor as nausea crept into your stomach just by looking at Hogwarts.
You breathed out in excitement,
" I'm back,"

" Y/n?"

The same voice you can recognise from anywhere filled your senses as you turned around. Hagrid stood there in pure shock, dropping the large logs he was carrying. You walked over to him and hugged him, being careful of Raven in your sling. He returned the hug with a soft grin then glanced at your daughter. His eyebrows furrowed in confusion,
" Y/n, you have a daughter now?"

You nodded slowly,
" This is Raven, and that's her Father, Bran,"

Rhaya timidly walked up to you and clung onto your leg, being intimidated by Hagrid's height. You laughed a little and ruffled her blonde hair,
" This is Rhaya. She's not my biological daughter, but she's mine,"

Hagrid nodded and sent the girl a small wave then looked at Bran, who was sat against Rhaenyra; watching the whole thing go on. He turned his attention back to you and was about to say something, but you beat him to it,
" Where's Malfoy? Harry? Hermione? I can't wait to see them!"

Your smile slowly faded when you saw the guilty look on his face. Your heart stopped for a moment as you began to feel sick from axciousness,
" What's the matter?"

" It's been two years, Y/n, since you left. They no longer go to school anymore. Draco is the head of the Malfoy manner now,"

Your heart dropped into your stomach, wondering what Malfoy could have possibly gone through. A wave of guilt washed over you from leaving him for so long. It's only been a few months for you, but for him, he's waited a long time to see you again.

You thanked him and quickly placed Rhaya back on the dragon and Hagrid lifted Bran and placed him behind you. He wrapped his arms around you for support with Rhaya leant against his chest with her small arms around you also. With the command, both your dragons set off as you flew in the direction of the Malfoy manor.

The closer you were to his house the more nervous you got. You began to go through all the possible scenarios that could happen, mainly the negative ones. You even wondered if he had moved on from you, even though you haven't moved on from him. Bran noticed your silence and whispered in your ear,
" You'll be fine, Y/n,"

You inhaled deeply at his words and nodded, thanking him and soon landing your dragons in his front garden. The manor was large and almost gloomy looking. When you knocked on the door, Malfoy answered with a frustrated look, but it dropped into a look of pure horror when he saw you. All the colour drained from his face and you saw his breathing go shallow.

" Y/n? Is that really you?"

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