Chapter 22

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Y/n's POV

Everything was a perfect day until someone ran into the crowd in fear,
" The Bandits are here!"

That was enough to alarm the entire market. People hid wherever they could and some had to stay where they were whilst hugging their children close. Everyone's happy mood had vanished instantly when a large group of bandits arrived.

Confused, you looked at Draco, and you could tell by how he looked at them that he knew who they were. You don't remember these being here the last time you came. Everyone cleared a pathway for them and some even gave them their food and drinks like they were royalty.

The Bandits were either leather or clothes that looked like rags, but their faces were all half covered with a mask. You didn't fail to notice the large weapons they had in their back, curved swords.

Rhaya had tripped walking backwards and rolled her doll, gaining the attention off the Bandits. They sent her a harsh glare as some began to walk over to her. Draco quickly helped her up whilst you stood in front of her protectively.
One of them asked menacingly,
" We'be got a problem over here?"

You glared, not caring about who they were or how people are so scared of them,
" No, the problem is that a bunch of grown men are scared over a 5 year old tripping. How ironic is that?"

The sound of a slap was heard and a painful sensation emerged on your cheek. You touched your cheek gently in surprise then all your kindness had gone immediately. Some people would compare your glare with Daenerys's when someone really pissed her off. What fuelled your anger was that he did it with a 1 week year old baby strapped to your chest.

You spat,
" You will pay for that with your life,"

The man stood back a pit in shock, but tried to hide it from you. He found it both shocking and annoying that you didn't fear them one bit. You would be the first out of months. The leader of the bandits walked towards you and you knew he meant business, so you quickly passed Draco Raven.

As soon as you did, your long hair was pulled and he dragged you in front of everyone. Draco was going to step forward but Bran stopped him, already knowing what was going to happen. He whispered to Draco,
" Is there a spell that protects people from fire?"

Draco nodded and Bran smirking,
" It would be wise to activate it as soon as you hear Rhaenyra and Viserys,"

The leader laughed evilly,
" What do we have here? This is a rare hair colour, especially your eyes. You'd be quite the wife to me,"

He ignored Draco's glare from afar and realised you weren't fazed a bit from fear. In fact you were more angrier than anyone right now. The leader just got annoyed and was about to slap you again but the sound of a high screech filled the air.

You stepped back and smirked at them all as Rhaenyra appeared behind you, landing aggressively from the new threat. The civilians couldn't move from their spot, so they couldn't help but watch everything go down. Draco muttered the spell and activated it, luckily it was invisible so he wasn't caught.

You tilted your head with a small smirk, loving their reactions of fear,
" I did tell you that you would pay for your life, didn't I?"

They tried to run the opposite way but Viserys came and stopped them. They were surrounded by two, large dragons and they could do nothing about it. You walked forward,
" The name is Y/n Targaryen, the last person you're going to see before I burn you to death,"

All their arrogance had gone entirely at those words and they knew it was their last few moments to live. You noticed one of them were about to grab his wand, but you were first
" Dracarys!"

Both of your dragons blasted a large wave of fire at them, the sound of them burning and screaming in pain filled the atmosphere. The spell that Draco casted was stopping the fire from hitting the students. Some of the fire even touched your arm, people watched in awe and horror, expecting a massive burn wound. But there was nothing. Not even a scratch. When they were now ash, you thanked your dragons and watched them fly away.

You walked back over to your family and picked Raven back up and placing her back in the sling. Draco sent you a grin,
" That was so badass, "

" They deserved it,"

A tap on the shoulder made you turn around to see most of the people were looking at you, wanting your attention. They weren't looking at you with fear or hate, but with hope. Hope that there is a saviour. A woman asked,
" Who are you? "

You turned to Draco and he nodded, telling you to move forward. Since he knew what was happening, you told them who you were and that you were new to this place. A little boy came from hiding behind him Mother,
" Are you going to stop the mean guys? Like them ones?"

You asked, confused slightly,
" There's more?"

The woman nodded,
" They weren't even half of them. They serve Voldemort, even though he was defeated by Harry Potter. Rumours have it that he had a daughter, a bit more older than you. She leads them, but nobody knows where their base is,"

A man beside her stepped forward, the pain in his eyes and everyone's made your heart ache,
" They slaughtered my son in front of me,"

When you heard all the stories of people they had lossed to them. They reminded you of Cercei and the Lannaster's. Ruthless killers who only care about power.

" I swear to you, they will know who to blame when the sky falls down upon them,"

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