Chapter 21

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Y/n's POV

You woke up the next morning to Raven crying again. You sighed heavily and got out, despite the exhaustion of being up most of the night. You picked her up and cradled her until she stopped. Draco knocked and walked in; glancing at Bran, who was awake, then at you.

He noticed the bags under your eyes and your messy hair and noticed how tired you were. Some of his silent anger was directed to Bran since he didn't help once all night, but then again he couldn't walk so he technically couldn't.

Draco held his arms out for her to take,
" I'll look after her, you get some rest. You're tired,"

Hesitating, you looked at Bran and he nodded at you to do what he says as he changed his shirt. You sighed and gave Draco Raven. It wasn't that she didn't trust him, it's just that she didn't like her child in other people's arms. Her mother instincts always make her overthink.

You thanked him and got straight back into bed and you hadn't gone to sleep so fast in your life.
Draco smiled when he saw you fall asleep then looked at Raven. Bran analysed his expressions and the way he held her and interrupted his thoughts,
" You wished she was yours, don't you?"

Draco looked at him, his eyes narrowing for a moment but stayed silent. The silence told Bran the answer, it didn't bother him since he expected this anyway. Bran glanced at you, who was sleeping peacefully,
" She likes you still, you know. Everyday she would worry about you being alone and she even overworked herself to try and use her power,"

Draco stared at your sleeping body, not even bothering to hide his surprised face. His heart fluttered at his words, finding relief that you still liked him and didn't forget him. He cradled Raven close and didn't want to show his emotions, so he gently placed her in Bran's arms before walking out of the room.


You woke up to feel less tired than you were. You got dressed into a dark, black dress that had long sleeves and ended just below knees. It came with some knee high boots and thin, black see through tights.

You walked downstairs to see Rhaya was playing in the living room and the teddies and Bran burping Raven. You walked in and they both smiled at you as Rhaya ran up to you happily. You picked her up and sat her on your hip, letting her play with your long pale hair.
" What's going to happen to home, mama? Our castle has been attacked,"

You didn't know how to respond to that so you asked Bran for help by looking at him. He got what you meant and signalled you to come and set her down beside him; so you did that. You took Raven from his arms and cradled her in awe at her cuteness.

Bran replied to Rhaya, letting her hug his arm tightly,
" We don't know yet, but we do know that Mama will burn those who are a threat,"

Rhaya nodded in determination, hope slowly coming back that she will be able to go back home safely once again. Draco thought for a moment then suggested,
" How about we go to the market today? There might be some good toys for Rhaya,"

Rhaya's eyes lit up from hearing about new toys and she jumped up excitedly. She looked at you with puppy eyes and you couldn't help but give in. She ran up to her room to get changed into some clothes immediately. You laughed and then looked at Bran,
" How are we going to get him to places?"

" I ordered a wheel chair last night,"

He got up and walked into the other room before coming back in with a wooden wheel chair. Since Bran was already dressed, you helped him in the wheel chair and Draco helped you place Raven in your sling, saving you from carrying her by arms all day.

When everyone was ready, you walked outside and got into an old looking car that was strange to you since there was nothing like this in your world. Bran was wheeled through the back and you all set off to the markets. When you arrived, you held Rhaya's hand as Draco pushed Bran.

She dragged you over to the toy shop and you went inside. The toys were magical, literally. Some toys flew magically in the air and some teddies lit up in the dark. Rhaya's attention was immediately set onto a cute doll that had long, Blonde hair and a purple dress. She ran over to it to see it was both a teddy and a doll, with plastic skin and doll hair but the rest was like a teddy.

She pleaded whilst hugging it tightly, you've never seen her this happy before and it made your heart flutter from warmness. You let out a heavy sigh from giving up and you placed it in the basket. She thanked you multiple times and looked at the other dolls on the shelf. They were the same material just different ones.

She picked up two more. One with a a mermaid tail and bright red hair and the other with a yellow dress and a rose in hand.

You walked over to the till and bought them. The woman at the till chuckled at the excitement Rhaya showed to have her new dolls. Her body was practically shaking from wanting them that badly.
" These princesses are called Ariel, Rapunzel and Belle",

She then passed the bag to you and watched Rhaya grab them all eagerly. She thanked the shop keeper and ran out the shop after you payed towards Bran. She lifted herself onto his lap and showed them him. He just ruffled her hair and let her play on his lap whilst you all walked down the street.

Draco helped you buy lots of clothes for both Raven and Rhaya and baby supplies. You stopped walking when a beautiful necklace in a shop window caught your eye. You felt like you were in a trance just by looking at it. It was a beautiful, dark red pendant that had a silver, dragon hand wrapped around it, looking like it was grabbing it.

Draco stopped walking and noticed you staring at it, even Bran did. He noticed the glint of awe within your lilac gaze and let out a low chuckle,
" You want that? I can get it for you,"

Before you could even protest, not liking the fact that he's spending all his money on you and your daughters, he had already walked into the shop.
You couldn't leave Bran outside since he's at risk of being robbed, since he's a cripple, he couldn't defend himself that well. The only method he has was warging, and he couldn't exactly do that in public without causing a scene.

A few minutes later, Draco walked back out with a small, black paper bag and gave it to you. A bright smile formed on your face at the sight of the necklace and placed it around your neck. It reflected the sunlight and you thanked him happily, hugging him without hesitation. He hugged back and glanced at a sleeping Raven. For a moment, it felt like you were a family to him and that's all he ever wanted.

All his life his dream was to make his Father proud, but he finally found something, someone worth fighting for.
You were his new dream.

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