Chapter 24

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Hope everyone enjoys!


I awkwardly hovered near Vivian throughout the entire "appointment". Jasmine and her murmured quietly back and forth.

The room was so quiet I could hear what they were saying, but I was only paying half attention. My eyes were stuck on Vivian to watch her facial and body cues. Every once and a while she would tense, and it didn't escape Jasmine or I's watchful eyes.

I really respected Jasmine for moving on each time it happened. I know how appreciative Vivian is, secretly, when her eyes find me every so often. Vivian isn't one to talk about her feelings so openly, so I know she's thankful that Jasmine doesn't push for more info.

Vivian shocks me when her hand reaches mine as Jasmine crouches before her, hands aiming for her ankle. I squeeze Vivian's hand once to let her know that I'm here, silently, and that I won't leave her side unless she wants it.

"This is definitely at least a sprain," Jasmine says quietly. Vivian's hand tightens in mine when Jasmine's hands softly touch her ankle. The quiet doc twists it one way before the other, only stopping when we both hear a soft but sharp inhale from Vivian.

"I won't know for sure without an X-Ray, but it doesn't feel or look broken. I'm going to put a soft wrap on your ankle that I'd like you to wear everywhere except the shower. No walking on it or putting shoes on over it, either," Jasmine stands and gives Vivian a stern look.

My girl doesn't let go of my hand as Jasmine gives her a quick smile along with some more orders to rest and let her body heal itself.

"See?" I crouched in front of Vivian after Jasmine excused herself. "That wasn't too bad." Her hand tightened in mine before letting it go and wiping both of her hands on her legs.

"I grew up in the system," Vivian started. I stood and helped nudge her back under the covers, then slid in next to her to hold her. It felt like this story was going to be tough.

"It genuinely wasn't so bad at first, but the second-to-last foster family I had was super religious. They had full control over everything I owned, my finances which included anything I made from my part time job, and anything medical. It hadn't been too big of a deal with the other families I stayed with."

"I began to hit a wall with them when they tried to force their religion on me. They tried to control what I wore, who I saw, what I posted on social media," Vivian's face turned into a scowl as she remembered more about these assholes.

"I remember that it slowly got worse and worse until they picked me up from school and saw me talking about a group of guys. Fuck, Ben, I was talking to them about homework," Vivian scoffed and turned her face into my neck.

"I got in the car and my foster mom was so mad her face was redder than I'd ever seen right before she accused me of sleeping with all of them. She said it to my face right there in the school parking lot."

Vivian pulled away from me and wiped her eyes. It was the first time I was seeing her this emotional, and I had to stretch for a second to get the tension out of my body.

"From then on, they took me to the doctor constantly, and it was always for some insane region regarding my fucking vagina. They'd have the doctor check me out down there against my will, then just mention in passing my hymen. As if I wasn't even in the room."

"I'm so sorry," I whispered to her before kissing the side of her head. "Wasn't anyone suspicious?"

"Once they got suspicious, they found a doctor in their congregation that would do private calls. He did a little more than an examination," Vivian's voice was warbling as if she was keeping back even more tears.

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