Chapter 1

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I love Rooster already! I apologize if I get anything about ADHD wrong. I have a friend who has a pretty severe case of it, and is knowledgable, so I've been checking with her before doing anything.

Let me know what you think!


"How's it going?" I peeked my head over the booth partition to face Sniper and Bee.

"Eat your food," Sniper rolled his eyes. Jeez. Someone was in a mood. Beatrice sent me a smile, but I pouted and slid back into my seat with Ripper on the other side of me.

"You take your meds today, Rooster?" Ripper was always respectful when he asked that question, because sometimes it could get on my nerves.

"No," I pouted. "It makes me really drowsy, and I have a run today."

"You need to call your doctor, find a medicine that doesn't make you drowsy, and take it every morning—especially before runs," he murmured. He wasn't wrong. My ADHD was all over the place.

"I know."

"Who's your run with?" He shoveled a bite of his jalapeño burger into his mouth. I had turkey sandwich.

"Blade," I sighed. Ripper nodded and took a large gulp of his soda before turning back to his burger.

"At least it's not Rampage," he mumbled with food in his mouth. We all loved Rage, but he would much rather put me six feet under instead of listening to my mouth run. Reaper magically appeared next to the booth.

We both jumped, but he ignored it and slid into the booth next to his boyfriend. He laid a fat, wet kiss on Ripper's cheek before taking a bite of his burger.

"Fuck!" He winced and spat it out directly onto the table.

"Come on," I grimaced.

"You didn't tell me it was a spicy one!" Reaper winced as his tongue hung out of his mouth. He started waving it wildly as if it would cool off his tongue.

"It's just jalapeño," Ripper waved him off.

"Prospect," I shouted. One had just been about to walk by and stopped at our table. "Can we get a glass of milk?"

"On it," he smiled. A few seconds later a cold glass sat in front of us. Reaper chugged it immediately, but Ripper ignored him to finish his burger. My sandwich lied uneaten until Pres called out to me.

"Rooster, find Blade then meet me in my office," he emerged from the hallway to say. I stuck as much of my sandwich—and about two fries—in my mouth before standing.

"See you later," Ripper waved. Reaper's head was moving towards Ripper's neck, and

I wasn't mad to leave the table. I wandered through the building before standing still in front of Blade's room. I could hear a woman moaning within. Bleh.

"Blade!" I pounded on the door. "Pres needs us in his office." I didn't stay behind to hear if they'd stopped. I entered Pres' office downstairs early, food still filling most of my mouth.

"How are you?" Pres asked. I hummed and looked around the office. It hadn't changed much since the old Pres was around. There were just a lot more picture frames on the wall. Fuck! My laundry was still in the dryer downstairs—

"Rooster," Pres said gently. I turned my gaze back to him with an embarrassed smile.

"What's up?"

Rooster | Fallen Angels MC #4Where stories live. Discover now