Chapter 23

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I liked writing this chapter! I hope you all like reading it!


"Comp was able to hack into Bruce's email–"

"Yeah, with his birthday as his stupid fucking password," Comp spat out. Pres raised an eyebrow at him for his interruption, and Comp sat back in his chair with a hugg.

"None of the information was able to make it to the prosecutor he'd been talking to. Because he was talking to the state, unfortunately, Bruce is still alive," Pres was interrupted again, this time by a large groan echoing throughout the room.

My hands were clenching the arms of my chair as I tried not to get up and bolt out of the room. Vivian had insisted that she was totally fine after arriving at Carla's house. Bruce's men had, in fact, jumped her right outside of the bar, and just short of any security cameras.

Luckily, my girl was badass and could probably take down the majority of my club, so she escaped the fight with much less problems than they'd intended. My only problem was that she was touched in the first fucking place. She'd refused a checkup by Doc, but I'd get her there one way or another.

"We can't fucking kill him when he was talking to a state prosecutor," Queenie argued with the now silent room. "Though I'll make sure I find enough to put him behind bars permanently, so this doesn't become an issue again. His men were all hired thugs, and they've all been taken care of."

"Speaking of," Pres cleared his throat and glanced in my direction before speaking next. "Because Bruce is taken care of, Viper's contract with us has ended."

Torch slapped his hand on my left shoulder to keep me from flying out of my chair and waited for Pres to continue.

"We will be discussing another contract with her, this one confidential, and if she doesn't take it, she is still allowed on club property as a guest," Pres glanced at me again but held my eyes for a second.

I understood.

If Vivian were under contract for someone else, we'd have to be careful what we shared with her. I trusted that woman with my life, but the club had to trust her to not take contracts against us, or involving us at all. It was a big risk for them.

Not for me. Pres adjourned Church a few minutes later, and my ass was the first one out of its seat. I rushed towards the door and swung it open, following the girls' voices until I reached the living area. They were all sitting around Viper and chatting quietly amongst themselves.

Every single one of the Old Ladies there was allowed to attend any and all Church meetings, but it had made me feel a little better when they all–besides Queenie–agreed to stay with my mom, Carla, and Vivian.

Christ, Vivian. Her hair was down around her shoulders, as it typically was for her bar shifts, and she was still in her low-cut tank top and shorts. She had to practically push me away from her when we got back to the clubhouse.

Sure, she'd escaped on her own, but not without her own battle scars. The back of her head had crusted, dried blood on it from where some asshole had tried to knock her out and failed. She had a black eye from another dick that had tried to take her down when the first one failed. A few more scrapes and bruises here and there, and I also wasn't missing how gingerly she treated her left leg.

The girls' voices hushed as I approached, and they all glanced up at me as I crouched in front of Vivian. The sound of boots exiting Church was barely processed by me, but Viper didn't seem to miss it. Her gaze turned to face them first before landing on my face.

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