Chapter 25

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Hope you all enjoy! 


"I have an announcement to make," Pres' voice was just getting loud as the four of us entered the room.

The only thing that was keeping me from becoming unglued was that Vivian was calm next to me. She wasn't even tense. Her eyes weren't darting towards the nearest exits like they were a lot of the time.

Hell, even Pres seemed fine.

"Viper here has accepted her first permanent contract with us. She'll still be completing jobs on the side, but nothing that goes after the club. We're doing this out of order and, frankly, not in our usual fashion, but she's got a vest coming and she's a member of the club now, all right?" Pres sighed. Queenie was next to him, and chuckled while rubbing his back.

Typically new members went through a prospect period, and they only got their vest only after they were deemed loyal to the club. Out of order seemed like an understatement.

Pres waved everyone off and walked away before anyone could ask any questions.

"Are you serious?" I turned towards Vivian and tried to keep my excitement down, but I was failing and failing bad. Vivian looked like she was trying to hold back her excitement, too. The side of her mouth was twitching as she turned to face me.

"Mm," Vivian sighed, "I found something here that I'm kind of attached to." I wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled her closer.

"I am really, really glad you're staying," I murmured in her ear.

"I may have to take some long contracts here and there, but I was getting a little tired of not having my own damn bed," she grinned. I kissed her softly before she pulled back and tangled her hands in my hair and took control.

"Mm, I'm going to enjoy the fact that you're coming home to me," I grinned.

"Of course you would," Vivian grinned, "but you'd better be a good boy while I'm away."

"Get a room!" Ripper smacked my back as he walked by with a laugh. Reaper followed quietly behind him, but there was definitely a twitch of his lips as he walked by.

"You two practically fuck every single night in the bar," Vivian muttered and reached down to grope my ass right in front of them. Several other brothers started to boo, but I just removed her hand with a laugh and tugged her towards the stairs.

Down the hallway, just before we were about to reach my room, my mom walked by wheeling her suitcase behind her. I kept Vivian's hand in mine and used our bodies to block her from going further down the hallway.

"Mijo," she greeted with a smile and kissed my cheek. She grinned and brought Vivian into a hug, as well, finally separating our hands.

"Where are you going?" I was worried about her being on my own with my father still in the picture, and with him having such a public role, he unfortunately wasn't going anywhere anytime soon.

"Carla doesn't feel very comfortable staying on her own, so I'm going to stay at her house for a while," my mom murmured. "Besides, it'll give you kids your own space back."

"I always love having you around," I argued.

"I know, I know. But you deserve your own space," my mom pushed. Vivian quietly agreed that she loved having my mom around, and that she was welcome absolutely anytime she'd like.

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