Chapter 4

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When Pres opened his door a few hours later, I wasn't ready for him to see his house. Not yet.

Josie had clearly started feeling better soon after I arrived, and Pres' house was anything from clean. He stepped through the door in front of his wife, and his mouth was wide open. Queenie appeared, her mouth agape as well.

"What the f—" Pres cut off his curse word when his daughter skipped into the room. Not sick at all.

"Josie?" Queenie looked immensely confused. I'm pretty sure there was flour somewhere on her ceiling, so I wasn't surprised with the look she gave. Pres, though he already looked tired, was glaring at me. Josie was too excited to see it.

"Daddy!" She rushed to his front and jumped up with her arms waving in the air. He picked her up in no time.

"How are you feeling?" Queenie set down her bag and searched her daughter's face.

"Good!" She snuck a glance at me. "This hurts." Her hand was at her throat, and Queenie was grabbing her and moving to the kitchen. I rubbed the back of my neck, embarrassed that she hadn't given me the truth when I asked her how she was feeling.

"Thank you," Pres muttered. He finally shut the front door behind him and tossed his file onto a side table.

"How'd it go?" I asked while he unbuttoned his shirt a bit.

"Good. I'm calling church after a fucking nap," he announced. "I'll let you know then."

"Sounds good. I'll, uh, take care of this while you head upstairs. Do you want me to watch Josie while you sleep?"

"Nah. She'll nap with us. Thank you, though." He was this tired and it wasn't even eleven o'clock.

"You're welcome."

"How did your doctor's appointment go?" Pres ran a hand through his hair.

"Good. Got new meds to try, but I'll try them tomorrow. I'll clean up down here," I motioned. He nodded and pulled Queenie and his daughter from the kitchen to go upstairs.

"Thank you," Queenie murmured. Pres took Josie and led the way up the stairs. I cleaned up as best as I could and was thankful it was lunch time after I was done. My stomach was really rumbling. Most of the guys were up when I got back to the clubhouse.

"Hey, man. That arcade still up for grabs?" For once, Blade was on the customer side of the bar, and Snake had replaced him.

"Hell yeah!" He shouted. He reached his hand up for a high five, and I slapped it as hard as I could. "Let's get pizza on the way."

"Can't. Pres is calling church in a bit," I answered. He shook his head.

"Fine. Will you make me lunch?" Blade said with his stupid fucking eyes. He widened them to try and create a puppy dog look, but it just looked like a clown to me. He was lucky I wasn't only good with cooking, but that I liked to do it.

"Sure. Quit it with those fucking eyes," I grimaced. He laughed while I pushed open the bar doors to see Sniper. He

"Are you actually in the kitchen?" I smirked.

"For Beatrice," he grunted, but smiled at himself a second later. He was so wrapped around her finger.

"If you need help with anything, let me know," I muttered. It wasn't long before I was folding a couple of burritos—a bit healthier than Blade liked—but Sniper was still at the stove. I peeked over his shoulder to see what looks like breaded chicken patties cooking. I looked at him curiously and moved to stand beside him.

"What?" He sent me a wary look.

"Flip them over," I stated. Sniper rolled his eyes.

"No. They're not ready," he murmured.

"Flip. Them. Over. They're burnt!" He rolled his eyes again but did what he was told.

"Fuck!" He cursed and shoved the pan into the sink. "Damnit!"

"It's alright. Here—give this to Blade and I'll cook them for you." I handed him Blade's plate and immediately looked for ingredients.

"No. I want to cook it myself."

"Fine, I will help you. One second," I muttered. I jogged out to the bar, trying to keep it all balanced on the plate, and slid it in front of Blade. He couldn't get a word out before I was turning back to the kitchen.

Sniper didn't really need all that much help; he just didn't know when to turn the patties. I watched him slide the patties onto buns and pour a bag of chips on the side. He cheerily said thank you before gliding out of the kitchen. I grabbed my plate and walked out too. Blade was sitting there on his phone and looked up when I appeared.

"Hey," he put his phone down. "What happened?"

"He needed help cooking for Bee," I muttered. He moved to go back on his phone when I shoved as much of the burrito in my mouth as I could. A body—no, two—popped up next to me suddenly, and my bite lodged in my throat. A large hand thumped my back until I swallowed.

"Thanks, Reaper."

"Can I have one of those jalapeño burgers again? They were so good," he smiled. I glanced down at my food, then at Blade.


"Church!" Pres slammed his way through the back door. That nap hadn't been long, but he didn't look cranky, so I guess it had worked. I looked at Ripper shrugged, and grabbed my plate before heading Pres' way.

We all piled into the room and to each of our seats before Queenie began.

"Mike has a plan to go undercover," she started. A few laughs echoed at Pres' legal name, but he'd shut them up with a glare. "The club has now purchased a bar downtown after Torch and Sniper's approval." Said man was sitting with his old lady on his lap and happily munching on chicken sandwiches.

"The bar, after this, will just be a good source of profit, but you guys will not be working there. I would like to put forth the idea of hiring a good set of eyes to keep an eye on the place. Someone who will report back to us," Pres said.

"So what did we purchase a bar for?" Blade spoke up.

"It's the one the cops frequent, and they don't just have a pint, they get obliterated. Easy to share secrets, especially with a hot woman," Pres said. I glanced over, eyes wide and expecting Queenie to hit him, but she shrugged.

"She is hot," she said.


Woo! Another chapter!

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