Chapter 10

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Hello again! This chapter, things are going to spice up a bit! I hope you enjoy.


When I felt any sort of consciousness the next morning, I regretted even taking a sip of my drink. Because I can't turn my self alarm clock, sometimes I woke up still drunk.

Today was not one of those days. My lips were mega dry, my eyelids felt like they were glued shut, and my head was just one big ball of pain. There was no way I was taking my medicine feeling like this.

I had barely lifted my head off of the pillow when rustling next to me forced my eyes wide open. I winced at the harsh movement, blinked a few times, and turned to my right. Blonde hair? I didn't remember bringing anyone back with me. Who in the club had blonde hair?

With one more movement, the sheets on top of the woman moved and revealed her face. Viper! I shot backwards, reaching under the blankets to confirm what I'd thought. Naked. Shit! I glanced at the alarm clock and thanked my brain for being consistent.

There was no chance she'd be up at 6 o'clock, so I had a few hours to hyperventilate somewhere else in the club. I carefully detangled myself from the sheets and jogged to one of the bathrooms across the hall. A few of us weren't fortunate to have one attached.

I paused in the hallway, completely naked, to see steam coming out of the other bathroom's door. No one was up this early. When the water turned off, my eyes widened and I slipped into the bathroom and shut the door, quietly twisting the lock. What was going on this morning?

I forced myself not to eavesdrop to see who was in the shower and turned on mine instead. It came out cold at first, but slowly heated until I felt some of the ache leaving my bones and the room started to steam. My eyes clenched shut when I realized I'd forgotten to grab any damn clothes.

I hurried back to my room only in a towel to throw the dirty ones in the hamper and grab new ones. When I turned back to the bed, Viper hadn't moved. I let out a tense breath and closed the door, twisting the knob so it wouldn't make a sound, and smiled. No awkwardness.

When I turned around, my mouth opened in a silent scream. Rage was standing in front of me, arms crossed and searching my eyes for something. I clenched my towel tight, and my clothes close to my body.

"What's up, big guy?" I asked, trying to make my voice sound light. His eyes drifted down, where I was clutching my stuff to my chest, then back up to my face. The skin around his eyes crinkled in confusion, before he stepped away from me and jogged down the stairs. I got changed in the bathroom, quickly and silently, before following him.

Rage was nowhere to be found. Seriously, he was both confusing and concerning me lately. I'd have to corner Sniper about it. I made my coffee in my favorite mug, then sat down at the kitchen counter. Life is getting up an hour early to live an hour more stared back at me. It was a gag gift a few Christmases ago, but it grew on me.

I took a sip. Then a second. After the third, I bit my lip and turned towards the staircase. What should I say to her? I remembered nothing past the conversation we'd had at the bar last night, and obviously I didn't remember all of it. Did I ask her to join me? Or did she ask to come to my room?

After what we discussed while watching the TV above the bar, I drank way more than I should have. Death was nothing around here, but sexual assault? My fists clenched shut and I took another sip of my coffee.

"Do we have any milk in the kitchen?" I startled and somehow didn't spill my coffee when Pres came in the side door. He had clearly just woken up and thrown on pants, because he hadn't even remembered to button them.


"Josie'll have a meltdown if she can't have cereal. She won't eat cereal without milk," he sighed and rubbed his right eye. Pres wandered towards the fridge scratching the bottom of his bare back.

"Blade went shopping just a few days ago. We should still have some left," I said quietly. Actually, cereal sounded fantastic right now. "Can I sneak some of it before you go?"

Pres grimaced and pulled out the job, which had barely enough to cover the bottom of it.

"No worries. I'll pick some more up later," I shook my head and smiled. He gave me a sympathetic one in return. He closed the fridge, then eyed me a little closer.

"Everything okay?" He asked and set the milk on the counter. I glanced at my watch. Night shift at the gate would be over soon. My mind raced as I tried to think of an excuse that didn't include Viper.

"Yeah. Just a rough night," I sighed and took the last sip of my coffee.

"I heard you got wasted," he replied. "Haven't seen you do that in a while."

"Just wanted to relax after all of yesterday. Speaking of, I better call Carla and check up on her," I stepped off of the stool and washed my mug in the sink. He was still standing there silently as I dried my hands, then pulled my phone out of my pocket and stepped into the main room. I let out a silent breath when the back door closed behind him, milk and all, and clicked on her contact.

"Good morning, mi hijo," Carla cooed as soon as the lines connected. She was always awake at five A.M., no matter what.

"Buenos días," I greeted with a smile.

"Getting better," she teased. I sat down on one of the couches, checked my watch again, and bounced my leg. My headache still hadn't gone away.

"How are you doing?"

"I am fine," she sounded like she was scolding me. "I woke up this morning, and for that I am thankful. I drove myself through McDonald's this morning. Have you tried their new breakfast burrito?"

"No, I haven't," I smiled.

"It was deliciosa! Next time, I will pick one up for you to try," Carla said.

"I have to get to work, but I wanted to make sure you were doing all right. Call me if you need absolutely anything," I murmured.

"Don't say that, or I'll be calling you at all times of the day," she joked. "Thank you for coming to help me, yesterday, and for inviting me to that party."

"No problem at all."

"I'll talk to you later?"

"You will. Have a great day," I smiled and hung up the phone. It took me around a minute to gather up a few snacks and jog over to the tower where Snake was waiting.

"Finally," he muttered while wiping his eyes.

"See ya," I said and watched him walk away before climbing the stairs. I slid into my rolling desk chair and pulled myself to the desk. A few monitors were actually level with the desk so we could see out the window if anything were to happen. I glanced at the notebook to see if anything important had happened while Snake was working, then grabbed one of the apples I'd brought.

This day would go by just fine as long as I didn't run into Viper.


See you next time!

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