before you read ♡

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hii, i just want to thank everyone who's supported this story even if i have taken the longest break ever!! thank you so much for 35k<3

anyway, i'm making this the first chapter because i just want to disclose that i wrote the first like 15 chapters (not including this one) when i was 13-14. it's been 3-4 years since i first started this story and i'm back to finish it and hopefully revamp the first couple chapters. (they're not terrible but they're also not perfect.)

the writing might seem a little different and possibly the characters because it's been a hot minute since i've written anything of the sort. so, if you come across a chapter that suddenly feels very different to the previous one, you're reading what i'm writing from this year. i'm not the greatest at writing but yeeeaahhh fhewfewiohoiwe

once i've finished the first season, i'll hopefully edit or rewrite some of the previous chapters just to make it flow better. i'm editing a few here and there but i'll do a whole rework sometime.

also, i don't really recall what little me was planning for this story so i'm just re-reading my old work and trying to form somewhat of a storyline.

(also i'm changing the ages of five and y/n just because i'm not too comfortable writing them that young. y/n will be 17, five will be 18. five's 'mental' age will be 35 because him being like 58 or sum is kinda funky)

the chapters are ordered by episodes, and within them are parts. there are some chapters that deviate from the original storyline but i'm sure its easy to tell because they're all labeled by their original episodes and the chapters that aren't, aren't!

anyway, new readers and returning readers, thank you and i hope you enjoy !! :D

p.s. here's a rundown of my simple plan for this story:

- complete season one by early march

- complete season two, preferably, by the end of may

- complete season three, preferably, by the end of july

- and once season four is released (i'm so sad it's ending) i'll have my story up-to-date to begin writing the last season and hopefully finish that sometime after august/september!

like i'm so sorry but i fuckign SUCK at writing romantic shit so if it suddenly feels like 0 to 100 ifykyk. obviously, we're not gonna admit our dying love to five out no where but like idk five is not a romantic guy in the show so just bear with me here

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