11: The Battle of Coruscant

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  Ahsoka left about an hour ago with half of the 501st and half of the 104th as it had been stablished. After another hour, we arrived at Crosucant. This might be the biggest battle of all the ones I've been a part of, I could count over twenty Jedi Cruisers above the planet fighting the biggest Separatist fleet my eyes have seen before.

  I found myself in my yellow fighter with R2 keeping me company, Obi-Wan's on his red fighter to the left while Allana's on her blue fighter to my right, Cal on his green ship right beside her. Both Light and Shadow squadrons following behind us. All of us flying to get across this massive aircraft battlefield in order to get into Grievous' ship. R2 beeped, calling my attention.

"Lock onto him, R2." I said to him. "Listen up, everyone, General Grievous' ship is directly ahead. The one crawling with vulture droids."

"Oh, I see it." Said Obi-Wan. "This is going to be easy."

"Get ready, they're coming straight towards us." Said Lana and I tightened my grip on the ship's steering wheel. "Kenobi, is your squad behind you?"

"Yes, it is."


"Shadow squad's in position, General."

"Alright, transferring the lead of the Light squad to Captain, Kestis." She told Cal. "They're all yours, kid."

"Thank you, Master. Warthog, do you copy?" A pause in which I assumed the skilled Wolfpack pilot answered Cal. "Good. Mark my position. Form your squad up behind me." Little by little, the droids got closer to us, just as we got closer to them to engage battle. I breathed in and smiled.

"This is where the fun begins."

"Let them pass between us." Obi-Wan commanded and we fired our blasts as the droids made their way past us, there were loads of them, they were everywhere. Many members of the squads were having trouble fighting the droids and it made me feel responsible, I frowned with worry as I made a decision in my head.

"I'm gonna go help them out." I said, determined to turn around.

"No, no. They're doing their job so we can do ours." Said Obi-Wan, making me sigh.

"I can go back, fight strictly out here while you engage Grievous." Cal suggested. "I mean, I'm already leading the airstrike and I bet it's much easier than that stupid General."

"I like that plan, you'll be safer here." Said Lana as she fired the blasters of her ship and blew up two vulture droids with a single shot.

"You don't think I could fight Grievous?" Asked Cal, teasingly, causing me to smile as I blasted a few droids myself.

"Hey, I never said that. However, I do think we should train a little bit more for you to fight bigger guys like that machine."

"Fair enough. I think my flight skills are sharper right now." Kestis threw a rocket that blew up three droids as he fired the guns and destroyed another pair. I smiled at his ability to fly and destroy, reminds me of myself. "I can fight one of those guys some other day."

"You just like being the Light Leader." The boy chuckled at my words.

"You're right, Skyguy." I chuckled, too.

"Alright, Witty." I opened the channel for my men to hear me, besides my Jedi partners. "Transferring the lead of Shadow squad to Light leader, Captain Kestis. Follow Cal's lead, gents." I closed that channel and communicated with Cal. "They're all yours, can you hear them already?"

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