6: The Lost Ones

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My eyes were fighting to stay open as my eyelids felt heavy by the minute. For the past week, I've held on to my investigation and had been through a week of sleepless nights adding intel to my research about Master Dyas and the Clone Army. Anakin has been helping, mostly by delivering coffee and making sure I sleep a few hours the least. He's been dispatched on more missions lately.

I had an odd feeling, as if I was getting too close to something that I couldn't fully understand in all honesty, but it made my blood feel cold. I should step away from this, call it quits. After all, Fives was killed for getting dangerously near to uncovering a fearful truth. Yet, I am here at the Investigation Centre once again this week and it's too late at night that I can barely read the digital watch that's attached to the wall.

I yawned and grabbed the cup of coffee I had brought for myself earlier but, when it's close to my lips and I tilt it up to take a sip, I find the cup empty. I sigh and aim at the trashcan a few meters away and throw it, missing by a couple inches. I groan as the cup rolls on the ground and use the force to lift it and drop it where it should be.

My hands find my face and rub it, then, I give myself a light-weighted slap to wake up, and blink. I breathe in and out before typing something in the holo-computer. The words stop making sense when my hands feel numb and my eyes finally close giving in to sleep.

I didn't know how long it had been when a continuous beep woke me up. I frowned and breathed in as my eyes opened and adapted to the sunlight. When I could read what was in front of me, displayed on a red hologram on the computer, my heart sank in my chest. A distress signal. Only that it wasn't any distress signal, it was a signal from a vessel thought to be lost ages ago.

"What the fuck?" I whispered as I read the signal over and over again. Could this be authentic? What is that? Why are we getting it right and just now? "Holy shit." I whispered and stood up as I started packing the holo discs with the downloaded information in each one of the available pockets of my belt. "Holy shit." I connected a disk to the computer and waited until the signal had downloaded, tapping my finger anxiously on the metal. "C'mon, c'mon...great." Once intel was in the disk, I disconnected it immediately and ran out of the room all the way towards the Council Chambers as endless questions formulated in my head.

I ran down the hallways and avoided pushing people and droids, got into the elevator and waited with impatience pounding all over my body. When the doors slid open, I ran down the hall again until I opened the door, bursting into a meeting. Anakin was back from his three-weeks-long mission in Mygeeto and was reporting to the Council. All eyes on me as I caught my breath.

"Naberrie." Said Windu as he arched an eyebrow. "Everything alright?" I stepped forward and towards the middle of the room, where Skywalker was standing, worry all over his face.

"Apologies for the abrupt interruption." I said once I stood before all of them properly and bowed my gear. My eyes met Anakin's and, somehow, he understood that I had made a discovery of some kind, he frowned, intrigued. "We've received a distress signal, Masters." They all tensed and some frowned or moved an inch forward from their seats.

"From where?" Asked Obi-Wan.

"A Jedi shuttle in the moon of Oba Diah."

"A Jedi shuttle?" Asked Master Billaba and I suddenly felt a lump in my throat. I nodded.

"Yes and it's not any Jedi shuttle, Master. It was the Jedi shuttle 775519." There was little surprise around me, but Yoda's eyes widened.

"What about that shuttle? What was it carrying?" Asked Anakin.

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