5: Crisis At The Heart

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I woke up when I turned around and my hand found an empty and cold spot on the mattress. I sighed. I knew this wasn't our home, our room, our bed, that he wouldn't be there for obvious reasons but still, it was odd not to find Anakin asleep or awake next to me.

  I breathed in sharply and sat up. Only a moment later, I got out of bed feeling less tired than yesterday but exhausted still, my chest felt heavy. I walked out the bedroom and found Padmé already dressed up and having breakfast with Dormé and Typho.

"Morning." They said as I rubbed my eye and approached them.

"Hi." I greeted back as I sat beside Padmé. "You shouldn't have let me oversleep." She shrugged.

"I figured that's the least I could do after what you've done for me." I smiled and the chef droid placed the plate of breakfast and a cup of coffee in front of me.

"Thank you." He walked away after giving me a head nod.

"I had Typho get Dormé to you apartment and bring you some of your clothes." I frowned.

"Thanks. Although I thought I'd be going with you." She shook her head as I took a bite of my food.

"You've done enough for me disguised as me, I'll take over from here. Plus, only Senator Lawise and I will be allowed in the chambers for both Republic and Separatist sides to be equally informed of the decision of the banks and the transactions that are made. No other forces will be allowed in and that certainly includes the Jedi." She took a sip of her coffee. "Not even Dormé or Typho are coming along." I blinked.

"I suppose neither of you are very thrilled about that." I asked both the handmaiden and the Captain, both exchanged looks and sighed. "That's enough answer." Dormé chuckled. "But you're not going alone, are you?"

"No, the Chancellor asked Commander Thorn to accompany me." I nodded. "I have to go." She stood up, as well as the rest of the team. "Could you lock the door on your way out?"

"Sure." She kissed my forehead and handed over the keys of Sola's place. "Hey, contact me if anything happens."

"Nothing will happen."

"Yeah, right."


"Padmé, the three of us could've died and we thought nothing would happen. If you have any sense there could be trouble, contact me. It's an order, Senator." She chuckled and her team smiled.

"You're such a busy person, General."

"It's literally my job." She smiled. "Take care, love you."

"Love you too, little sister." With that, the three of them walked out and I was left alone. I finished my breakfast at a steady pace, drank my coffee, and proceeded to get dressed. Dormé brought me a black sleeve and backless turtleneck, my gloves, the armour of said loves, black trousers and black boots. I clipped my belt around my hips once I had tied the shoelaces of my boots and braided my hair. I placed the nightgown into the closet, turned off the droid, and walked out of the apartment, locking the door before walking away.

I made my way to the Temple. There I asked if Master Billaba, therefore Cal, had come back from Kashyyyk to learn that they were still over there, so I decided to train by myself. I fought against the Temple's guards and defeated three of them quickly, the fourth guy gave me quite a tough battle, but I defeated him eventually. After thanking them and continue exercising for a while, I decided to take a shower.

I got to my quarters and took said shower, it was a long shower. It's crazy how you enjoy being under the warm water and how much your mind can go blank for you to relax, specially when you're sad. I closed the water once I was finished and stepped out, grabbing a towel to dry my skin. I dried my hair and proceeded to walk towards the closet.

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