2: Orders

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Our lightsabers crashed loudly and I could feel the muscles of my arms and back tensing, I don't doubt the muscles of the Padawan are just as tense. I pushed downwards and Cal's arms gave in as well as his legs, with a swift spin, the blade of my lightsaber was close to his head, he exhaled tired and defeated.

"Again." I turned it off and offered him a hand to stand, he took it and stood before me.

"Again? Can't we take a break?" He asked as I grabbed a towel and wiped the sweat off the back of my neck. I turned around to see him doing just the same and how he took off the sweat from his face too.

"Is there a break out there in the front?"

"Every now and then, rarely, but yes." I chuckled.

"Allana has taught you to give sassy comebacks?"

"Maybe. Just like you've taught me cuss words in huttese. She was so angry, by the way." He said with a smile, chuckling at the end of his sentence.

"I know, she yelled at me when she came back." The kid chuckled and I sighed. "Well, given the amount of time we've been here-"

"The entire morning, you mean."

"Right, the entire morning, I'll give us a ten minute break." He let himself fall against the cold ground, making me laugh.

"Thank the stars for that." I sat down beside him.

"Your defence is good but you need to make sure to make your legs stand their ground." He nodded as he took a sip of his water. "The strength comes from there and your core." I took a sip of water myself. "I remember how Master Gallia would push Allana with the Force. It always amazed me how she could stand that."

"I know, she's done it with me a few times and sometimes I fly across the room, sometimes I don't." I chuckled. "Normally I'm able to stand my ground but, right now, I'm tired."

"I know, I wore you out. Apologies." He shrugged as I sipped from my own water again.

"No worries, Master. Hey, do you know when will Master Naberrie come back?"

"Just now." Said the brunette's voice from the entrance when I was about to open my mouth to say that I didn't know. I looked over my shoulder to find her smiling at us, her hair braided and tied in a low bun on the back of her head. I smiled back and when I looked back at Cal, his eyes had lit up. He loves his Master. We all love his Master. "How's it going?"

"Pretty well, Skyguy here has been enjoying a lot not having you here to train me." She looked at me and smiled more, it was her idea in the first place. Ever since Snips' departure she has allowed Cal to stay over with me and the 501st more often, we've been having fun.

"Glad to hear that. Hope you're not too tired." He groaned annoyed. "I told you we were going to train a bit more when I got back."

"I know, I know." He sighed. "I'm not too tired. I've got this."

"That's the spirit Witty." He high-fived me as he stood up and I nodded to give him encouragement, and proceeded to high-five her as a greeting when I had stepped close to her.

"Alright, now get over there and get ready."

"For what?" Lana shrugged with a smile, making Cal roll his eyes with a smile. "Always so ambiguous."

"You're welcome. You should know by now that life isn't predictable, you don't know what might hit you in a moment." He arched an eyebrow.

"Was that a clue?"

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