Chapter 14: Fevers, Felines & Fuzzy Feelings

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Levi came running down the hallway at breakneck speed followed closely by a fluffy creature, he leapt onto Jasmine's armchair for safety.

"What the hell is that thing?"

"Cyclops." Jasmine murmured. Levi observed the cat, shuddering involuntarily. He wasn't a fan of animals – he hated to think of all the dirt they carried.

"Of course you have a cat." He said flatly, clambering down from the chair. How had he not known this? He hadn't seen the thing when he'd been here last. He eyed the feline with distaste as it began rubbing at his leg, demanding attention. He pulled his leg away and headed back to grab the cold compress.

"What do you do with this thing when you're away?" He gestured to the cat who looked at him curiously with its single eye.

"I have an arrangement with a neighbour kid." She let out a soft content moan as Levi placed the cold compress against her forehead. She didn't have the energy to protest, and she felt such relief that she allowed the doting to continue. He brushed away some hair that had fallen into her face. Jasmine closed her eyes – her guard was completely down. She didn't know if it was the fever, fatigue or infatuation but the feelings she had done her best to rid herself of were back in full force.

"Let's get you to bed." Levi helped Jasmine right herself and led her to the bedroom. As soon as they reached the door, Jasmine shoved Levi out of the doorway – she had surprising strength for someone who was sick.

"Wait! Don't come in yet!" She demanded, slamming the door in Levi's face. She looked crazy – her eyes were wild and her hair stuck out in all directions. Seconds later, the door opened again.

"Is the coast clear?" Levi pressed his lips together, holding in a laugh as he noticed her dirty underwear had mysteriously vanished from the floor. Jasmine lay down on the bed, on top of the covers, her eyes closed.

"Soup or sleep?" He was in full caretaker mode.

"Soup?" She ventured. She hadn't eaten properly in a couple of days, and though she didn't have an appetite, a warm bowl of chicken soup sounded comforting.

Levi returned with his homemade soup and a spoon. He helped Jasmine sit upright and she leant into him, her lack of energy apparent. He placed the spoon in the bowl and was surprised when she opened her mouth. She must have been delirious. He smiled, finding the gesture cute and spooned some soup into her mouth. After a couple of spoonfuls her eyes drifted shut.

"I sleep now." She faded away into a deep slumber full of fever dreams that felt awfully real.

She dreamt of her and Levi in a little house by the countryside – they each held a child in their hands – mini replicas of them. They bottle-fed the small children tea instead of milk. Suddenly the child in Jasmine's hands began speaking – its voice awfully reminiscent of Hange.

"Why can't you two idiots just admit you like each other?" The ground began to shake, and the picturesque family ran into their house, afraid of some unseen threat.

"Quick! Admit your feelings or else we all die!" The child yelled.

Jasmine awoke with a start, remnants of her dreams floating around in her mind. She was busting to pee and though she didn't have the energy, she wrapped her covers around her and shuffled to the bathroom like some sort of snow monster. She then continued her shuffle to the kitchen for some water. She did a double-take – this wasn't her kitchen – was she still dreaming? It looked somewhat like her kitchen...but where were all the dirty dishes in the sink, and the clean ones that she kept promising herself she would put away? She grabbed a glass of water and made her way to the living room. Levi had stayed. He'd cleaned her house top to bottom and was now dangling a toy in front of Cyclops.

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