Chapter 6: Unraveling

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Jasmine sat in the lab, her glasses resting on her head as she studied the sequencing data in front of her. She tapped her pen pensively on her cheek trying to make sense of all the combinations of A, T, G and C littering her pages. Once she assembled the titan genomes, she'd be able to start making more sense of the data. Things were going so well until Hange stormed into the lab, cursing. They planted themselves onto an empty swivel chair and spun around absentmindedly.

"You good?" Jasmine spoke tentatively, not taking her eyes off her work.

"Grumpy is being a real piece of work today." Jasmine's eyes flicked to Hange in sudden interest. She had barely seen Levi in the past few days – he was busy no doubt. All the senior scouts, her included, were busy trying to close off small projects before they had to head back to the castle.

"Refused to give his extra budget up for us. What's he going to use it for anyway? Cleaning products?" Hange kicked their feet up onto a chair

"And tea." Jasmine grinned as she tidied up her papers – she'd have to come back to her work later.

"Don't get me started on his tea collection. You know he's been expensing tea?" Hange groaned dramatically.

"Ah, shit. He's meant to co-sign my expense forms. I really don't want to deal with him again today. Would you get him to do it? Pretty please? I'll owe you big time." Hange got down on their knees in a mock show of begging. Jasmine rolled her eyes.

"Fine. But you really do owe me."


Jasmine walked down the quiet corridor of the Survey Corps offices. This was one of her favourite places - paintings of ex-commanders and people of note lined the walls, and it made you feel as if you were part of something much bigger than yourself. She ducked into her own office quickly, glad it wasn't too much of a mess – she had barely had a chance to spend time here in the last few weeks. She placed copies of her lab notes in the top drawer of her desk before locking it. She noticed a long, dark orange, wrinkled object sitting on her desk. It took her a moment to realise it was an old carrot she'd clearly forgotten about. She picked it up, disgusted, and flung it into the waste basket, grateful that she had found it before Levi did. Jasmine walked the few doors down to Levi's office and hesitated for a moment before knocking tentatively.

"What is it?" Levi's impatient, muffled voice came through the door. Jasmine opened the door slowly and stuck her head in.

"Hange needs your signature on some expense forms." She placed the papers on Levi's desk. He ignored them.

"Can't Nanaba sign these?"

"It's her day off...You okay by the way? You kind of stormed out at breakfast the other day. Did I do something to piss you off?"

"No, I just have a lot on my mind." Levi picked up the papers and looked at them intently, hoping Jasmine would get the hint and leave – she didn't.

"That all you came for?" He hoped this would dismiss her.

"Uh, yeah – thanks." She managed a weak smile before shutting the door behind her as she left – Hange owed her for sure. Levi rubbed his forehead in frustration, Jasmine's scent lingered in the air – she smelled of berries and warm vanilla - and it was making it difficult for him to concentrate.


"Yep. He's definitely in a mood today." Jasmine returned to the lab where Hange and Moblit were busy scrutinising blueprints of some sort.

"Wonder what's got him so on edge." Hange muttered.

"He's been in a shitty mood since that day at breakfast. When your friend joined us." Moblit drew his eyes away from the papers in front of him.

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