Chapter 5: There's Something in the Water

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"So? You guys celebrating something?" Jasmine looked around the table.

"Yeah. Tuesday." Peter snickered.

"It's Franco's birthday." Liesl laughed. Franco's cheeks were flushed red – he'd definitely had a couple of birthday drinks too many.

Rico looked from James to Jasmine, hoping for more insight on their history, but neither seemed keen on divulging anything. She sensed Jasmine's unease.

"Let's go get you a drink!" Rico led the way to the bar and was kind enough not to put Jasmine through a line of questioning. Jasmine perused the menu before settling on an apple cider for herself and a beer for the birthday boy. Rico smiled a sad smile.

"Ian's favourite. We used to give him so much shit for drinking cider." She spoke softly and looked away as she wiped a stray tear from her eye. Jasmine, ever the empath found herself mirroring Rico's emotions.

"It's okay to cry." She wrapped her arms around Rico.

"Don't take this the wrong way but we're not like you scouts. We rarely lose our own...Tell me, does it get any easier?"

"No. It hurts just as bad each time, but like any wound you slowly heal until you're left with a scar – and then it's all just a painful memory." Jasmine thought back to Ian - she wished she'd hung out with him more. They had been good friends back in their cadet days, but they'd both gotten older and busier. She wondered how his wife and kids were taking this loss.

"I can see why Ian liked you. It's why I asked you to join us. It's kinda silly but I thought it would help me feel closer to him. Anyway, enough about me. Enough sad stuff. What's the story between you and James?"

"We dated for a couple months back when we were cadets. It ended kind of badly."

"I don't know him too well. He only joined us last month. Not sure why anybody would want to transfer out of the MP but here he is." Rico and Jasmine grabbed their drinks and went back to join the others. Jasmine noted that the only empty spot was next to James. She sat down at the cramped table and cringed as her legs brushed against his. She pulled her leg away immediately and James turned to face her, a bemused look on his face. She had to admit he had only grown more attractive over the years – he had put on some muscle, and it suited his tall, broad frame. Jasmine had had a crush on him for ages as a cadet and was surprised when he had asked her out – he was way out of her league. His dark brown hair flopped lazily across his forehead and his lips curled into a heart-melting grin.

"You look really good. You've lost a lot of weight." Jasmine's eyes widened at James' backhanded compliment.

"Yeah, and you're still a massive dick." She shook her head in disgust – he was unbelievable.

"What are you talking about?"

"We're really going to do this right now? Well, alrighty then. After graduation, you just disappeared. And when I saw you again months later, you had your tongue down another girl's throat, so..." She held a tight smile that didn't reach her eyes.

"Yeah! You tell him!" Liesl yelled in support.

"Seriously? I wrote you for months and you never responded. So yeah, I moved on. I should be mad at you." He countered, leaving Jasmine with a shocked expression on her face – all this time she'd been under the impression that she had been ghosted and cheated on.

"I'm guessing you never got them, huh? Well then – no reason for either of us to be mad, hey?" James continued.

"I'm sorry. I thought-"

"Forget about it - water under the bridge. Truce?" James reached out a hand to her - his blue eyes sparkled seductively. Jasmine grabbed his hand and shook it, surprised by how large it was in her own.

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